
Showing posts from July, 2011

delphi - Website talking to client application? -

I am working on a desktop application in Delphi 2007 and on a website where content data is maintained for this application To view this website, the user is basically limited to Internet Explorer 7 or higher. (Not going to support the rest.) The website I'm looking at is a way to add that link, which means that one of my previously running applications is an ID From the website it will tell you to choose certain records. It looks simple, but it is slightly more complicated than this, in the application, the user selects a file for the user's customer. You can find a list of those products in this list. Their client - who sits next to the user - just searches on the website and chooses the product to be added. (Or the user chooses one for it.) The second life is capable of doing this by supporting a new protocol for the web browser. In this way, the second life of the link: // Jinjever / 240/72 / Second Life will bring you to some place. (Unless you have installed Sec...

SQL LEFT JOIN return 0 rather than NULL -

I want to be included in two tables, with the number of records for each type of count, if that type in the left table There is no record of I do not want to return 0, do not tap. How can I do this? / html>

c++ - How to make MSVC debug builds run faster -

We have a large C ++ application, which will sometimes run us as a debug build to check for bugs. I need debug build is very slow compared to release build, at almost point of being useless What tips are available to make an MSVC debug, can be executed faster without sacrificing debugging? select #pragma optimize ("off") of selected files It wants to debug a release in the top, it gives a better stack trace / variable view. Works well if it's just some files that you need to pursue a bug.

c++ - Retrieving DLL name, not calling application name -

I wrote two com classes in C ++, in which an MFC is contained in DLL. Those third-party applications are being loaded as plugins. How do I get the filename and version number of DLL from those classes? The main DLL entry gives you the handle of your DLL. extern "c" int APIITI delmen (histine HInstance, dword dwReason, lpvoid lpReserved) and GetModuleFileName (HInstance, buffer, MAX_PATH); can be used to obtain DLL's filename. GetFileVersionInfoSize GetFileVersionInfo The file version will be used to receive.

flash - Is it possible to change the point which as3 considers when setting the x,y position of a textField? -

I have a text field and I'm setting its position for example x = 5, y = 5. So I like it: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 9-x 2 3 4 5 6 text 7 8 9 x Is it possible to set the text field in such a way that XI value is applied to the bottom corner of the text field such as 1-2-3-4- 5-6-7 -8-9-x 2 3 4 text 5 6 7 8 9 x Hopefully I explained myself correctly. Thank you in advance David You have textfield and override With update display () you will need to calculate that there is no way to set the proper logic originally on a display object.

What's the fastest way to check if a web site is up in Perl or C? -

I'm trying to check if a web site is up and running or not. I am currently doing this with the UserAgent Library in Perl 1. However, it is still very slow for me. I call script every five minutes from the cron. There are lots of links to investigate and it takes more than five minutes to complete the script execution. Therefore, I need a more effective way to do this. It can also be a solution in C. The following ways to speed it up: Just check that Can we set sockets for 80 ports of target port, do not actually receive an HTTP request or just send a simple head request. It's fast to use multi-threads.

html - Flash AS3 url link to open separate swf in an iFrame -

I'm trying to use the swf menu to change the content swf below in an iframe so that the menu There is no problem in loading it, but adding the button is having trouble. My flash code is: homeButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, HomeButtonFunction); Function Home Button Function (Event: Mouse Event) {var targetURL: URLRequest = New URLRequest ("http: // SiteTiltload"); NavigateToURL (targetURL, "_iframe"); The html code for iframe is: & lt; Iframe src = home.html name = "iframe" width = "630" height = "300" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Thanks for any help :) menuIframe or just something other than iframe . & lt; Iframe src = home.html name = "menuIframe" width = "630" height = "300" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; I can not really tell ...

sharepoint 2007 - Workflow stops responding when list item is updated programmatically -

I have a workflow on one item in a list. The workflow has an on-the-fly flow action, while sitting in an activity. I know that while the workflow enters the loop, and if I update the item through the UI, then it removes the onoforfloyetimate change function. However, if I update the program program (through the console application), it not only ignites the OnWorkflowItemChanged activity, but it also stops the update via UI. Has anyone seen this before? The list item is a way to update the program and does the workflow answer both events and want to continue to respond to future events? Edit: This works fine. If I use the list of items to update the item, why does it mess up if I use the object model? I know that when updating a list item, an object receiver in the object model you SPEventReceiverBase.DisableEventFiring (), Etc. Have you tried to do this, or is there any workflow equivalent? Here is a disable firefinder that is not triggered from within an event receiver:...

sql server - SQL Random number not working -

declare @fieldforceCounter के रूप में int declare @SaleDate as dateTime घोषित @RandomNoSeed के रूप में दशमलव सेट @fieldForceCounter = 1 set @SaleDate = '1 जनवरी 200 9' सेट @RandomNoSeed = 0.0 WHILE @fieldForceCounter & lt; = 3 BEGIN @SaleDate & lt; = '1 दिसम्बर 200 9' मासिक फीस (FFCode, SaleDate, SaleValue) मूल्यों में शुरू करें (@फ़ील्डफॉर्सकॉन्टर, @SaleDate, RAND) (@RandomNoSeed) सेट @saleDate = @saleDate + 1 सेट @RandomNoSeed = Rand (@RandomNoSeed) + 1 अंत सेट @SaleDate = '1 जनवरी 2009' सेट @fieldForceCounter = @fieldForceCounter + 1 अंत जाओ इस टी-एसक्यूएल कमांड को ' बिक्रीवैल्यू ' में कॉलम में ' मासिक सेल्स ' तालिका में यादृच्छिक मूल्यों को सम्मिलित करना चाहिए था। लेकिन यह '1' हर बार सम्मिलित है। समस्या क्या हो सकती है? दो समस्याएं: सबसे पहले, आरए एनडी () फ़ंक्शन 0 और 1 के बीच एक नंबर देता है। दूसरे, जब रैंड () को एक ही क्वेरी में कई बार कहा जाता है (उदा। एक अद्यतन कथन में कई पंक्तियों के लिए), यह आम तौ...

internet explorer - Can't display PDF from HTTPS in IE 8 (on 64-bit Vista) -

I have a homely HTTPS server that works simple files (this is embedded within my app) It works great - it's always been using. Recent SSL support - Chrome, Firefox and IE all like it and the load page is just fine. I think the problem is that I try to load a PDF file over HTTPS connection. For some reason, PDF never displays in IE 8 (64-bit 64-bit Vista), it works fine in Chrome and works fine in IE 8 when using plain HTML - only HTTPS Failure while using. Note: When IE 8 is mentioned, 32-bit IE 8 on 64-bit Vista is, though 64-bit IE 8 behaves similarly. I think this is something IE 8 / HTTPS / PDF / 64-bit OS problem, but I'm not sure. Displays the debugbar request for IE 8 and the response was expected properly - there are no errors at all. IE 8 does not show any errors or anything - pure white screen (or that page Which was displayed before trying to load the PDF). Clear cache / cookies / etc. Is there any known issues with IE / PDF / HTTPS? Thought I...

c++ - Erase/Remove contents from the map (or any other STL container) while iterating it -

Allegedly, you can not erase / delete an element in a container, whereas walking as an iterator becomes invalid What are the (safe) ways to remove elements that meet a certain condition? Please do not have only STL, no boost or tr1. Edit Is it a very attractive way if I want to erase several elements that meet certain criteria, e-mail or erase the algorithm? bool isOdd (int i) {return (i & amp; 1)! = 0; } Int a [] = {1,2,3,4,5}; Of vector & lt; Int & gt; V (a, a +5); V.erase (remove_if (v.begin (), v.end (), bind1st (equal_to & lt; int> (), 4)), v.end ()); // v contains {1,2,3,5} v.erase (remove_if (v.begin (), v.end (), isodod), v.end ()); // v contains {2}

c# - Microsoft coding style question -

I know one way to ask that it was not subjective, so it is specifically for Microsoft's coding style. In ASP.NET MVC source, code files look like this: // Copyright information namespace system. Web. MVC {Use of System; // blah blah // ...} Note that using 'system' lines well with namespace If I had to apply this style to my company's code, should I give the 'use' statement directly to the name of my company below (so that these lines are)? When I used the 'declaration' at the top, I usually started with the first .NET namespaces, so I am unsure. For example, I should do this: using namespace MyCompany.MyProduct.Something {system; Using MyCompany.MyProduct.SomethingElse; } or this: Nameshot is using MyCompany.MyProduct.Something {MyCompany.MyProduct.SomethingElse; Using the system; } I had to bow down later. There is no microsoft style, though an attempt has been made to strengthen their standardization. It is being said, all...

inheritance - Can I create a class that is inherited from a class and from interfaces in Delphi? -

I have class TDevice. Some devices will have a cellular module so I am creating an interface IIMEI other devices will have Ethernet module . So I'll create an interface IMACAdder Therefore, I would like to create another class which is TDVC's child and implements the IIMI or IMACEdress or both. Is it possible in Delphi? The easiest option is to get the TDevice from the Tinterfaced object and extend its lineage with additional methods . Be careful about the interface reference count, however, otherwise you will end up with an unexpected access violation. Alternatively you can write a cover object that descends from TInterfacedObject and assigns the implementation of the interface to the TDevice lineage. In that case reference count will be less than one problem. TMacAddressWrapper = class (TInterfacedObject, IMacAddress) Private FDevice: TDevice; Property Device: ImDacDress Applying TDevice FDevice; Create Public Builders (_Device: TDevice); End; Manufacturer T...

visual studio 2008 - Building multiple configurations with a single Solution Configuration -

As part of my software package, I need to create both a WIN32 and an x64 version of DLL. I have a project setup that creates all the necessary components and has a custom build phase to create an installer. I can not understand how to build both versions of DLL build with a build command. I Configuration Manager allows you to choose which project configuration to construct a given solution, but only one project Does not have multiple project configurations. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 I do not think this is possible. If you are using .net, then compile the project for 'any CPU' in your post-build, copy the DLL and copy the Corflags.EXE / 32 BIT + to run 32 bit Compelled to run X64 on the original X64 OS.

sql - How do I limit the number of records returned for Interbase 7.1? -

We have an interbace database and I'm trying to figure out how the number of records returned by query Restricted simply 1. I really have to know the event code from the final record, in which the query will return hundreds of records if I can not make some sort of limit. Thanks in advance! I think I thought it. There is a need to do something like this ... SELECT SELECT ORDER BY COL ROWS 1

networking - Unclear on Nagle's Algorithm -

I am doing some research on Nagle's algorithm out of idle awkwardness. I understand the basic concept behind it (TCP packets contain a significant amount of overhead, especially when dealing with small payloads), but I'm not sure that I influence the implementation. I was reading on Wikipedia, but I still take the example of a telnet connection, unclear on how it still works. The connection is established and I'm starting to type. Let me say that I type three characters (for example, cat) and hit returns now we're talking cat \ r \ n which still only 5 bytes is. I thought that it will not be sent until we queue enough bytes to send - and yet, does are instantly sent from the perspective of the user, because Cat is immediately executed upon killing the return. I think there is a basic misconception about how the algorithm works, especially about the bit where "unrecognized data is still in the pipes, enqueue, and send it immediately." Data i...

ruby - RubyTorrent Issue -

I am trying to create a script to help me move large files into an internal Windows network, And hoping that combining with Ruby, BitTorrent would be ideal. However, my code does not actually download anything. I know that the RubyTontrent project has been abandoned for a long time, so I was hoping that one of my partner Staxahoharflowers could help me. My code (up to now): requires' rubytorrent 'bt = RubyTorrent :: bitartent.New (' / Get / 2511754 ') Puts BT.tracker puts bt.port thread = Thread.New while correct is bt.percent_completed sleep 15 end end bt.on_event (auto, complete) {thread.kill} thread.join As you can see, 'BT. Tracker 'line is coming in the form of zero, so this is a new file getting problem, but then why does it fix the rest of the file? Any help to do this work will be greatly appreciated. Your code is good, only problem are you try to print BT.Troctor, when You are still not connected to the track...

browser - How to download multiple files with one HTTP request? -

Use the case: The user clicks the link on the webpage - Boom! Load the files sitting in their folder. I tried to pack using the files, but it looks only works for Firefox This was my response: HTTP / 1.0 200 OK Connection: Closed date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:41:40 GMT Share this: Content-Type: Multipart / Mixed; Border = AMZ90RFX875LKMFasdf09DDFF3 customer Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:41:40 GMT-client peer: L27k0k0kl:3000 client-Response-number: 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Status: 200 - 875 Mmjedarfaks Elkemfasdif 0 9 Deediff 3 content -type: Image / JPEG Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary Content-Swiss: Attachment; File name = "001.jpg" & lt; & Lt; Here binary data & gt; & Gt; - AMZ90RFX875LKMFasdf09DDFF3 content-types are: image / jpeg Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-cloned: attachment; File name = "002.jpg" & lt; & Lt; Here binary data & gt; & Gt; - AMZ90RFX875LKMFasdf09DDFF3 --AMZ90RFX875LKMFasdf09DDFF3-- Thank you PS. N...

integer - Unable to increase AWK's int-limit for factorial -

I run and I get 200 indicator This suggests that the same inti does not use the IEEE-standard-module as the Python, it seems that the AWK limit is 170. How can you understand the AWK as a large integer in Python? to: internal representation of all the digits , Uses integer, double-precise floating-point numbers. In most modern systems, they are in the IEEE 754 standard format. Based on the available memory, it can be integer in Python, it is independent of IEEE 754. BTW, this standard gives a double precision float limit at approximately 10 ^ (+/- 308). The value of log 10 (factorial (171))> 30 9 Also see and.

java - Writing unit tests for network related classes -

I have a class that is responsible for network communication. I want to test a unit for this. Here is the place where I am stuck in writing a test for it, I have to implement a server to communicate with it, but instead it will need Unless you are writing a low-level driver, your class will undoubtedly make real communication to other sections Depends on. In that event, I would use dependency injection for the supply of those sections or wrappers, if they would not be able to joke easily. In your testing, you will provide a fake version of those classes that you (or wrappers if you can not duplicate genuine classes). Verify that the correct methods with the appropriate criteria are implemented by you in your manner that is supplied by you. Ensure that you have enough unit tests to satisfy yourself that you have covered the entire range of behavior with genuine dependence, it will be enough for your unit tests. You will also need some integration tests. Unfortunately, the ...

open source - Looking for (c)lisp examples of mini-languages, that is, DSLs -

Reading a well written code helps me to learn a language (at least it works with C) [Removal of the 'more-specified' part of the question] A special feature for a mini-language or DSL problem, open source as a language especially interested in the reputation of Lispy Of course, and available on the web, preferably I have Googled and found this example: Anyone else have someone else? (And, yes, I will continue reading "Practical Common Lisp.") After 11 hours (only 11 hours!): Thanks, everybody. What a wonderful site, and what a bunch of good answers and suggestions! I think your obstacles are over -compiled: It is small enough to understand, opaque ('well-written' part of desire), and independent other packages. Common Lisp is a big language, and when you add language elements then the energy generated is very high. In CL, you can not have a small program showing "the most tricks". There are also many concepts, when you lear...

osx - Eclipse on Mac -

I have Eclipse / Galaxy on Mac X 10.5. I am trying to install the Subversion plugin but eclipse The help menu is actually the help menu of mac, so I can not go to the software update menu item. How do I install a plugin on Mac? Below the help menu, you will find submenu for eclipse software updates. - NullReferenceException in Page_Load -

I have developed my project in 3.5. It works fine in the local host, when I work fine in the web sometimes works, but sometimes I get the following error. I think there is some error while talking to the server but I do not know at all. .. Please help me to fix this 'Server Error in Applications' / 'Application' Object Reference is not set for an instance of an object Description: Existing An unrestricted exception occurred during the web request execution. For more information about the error, review the stack trace and where this code is born Exception Details:. System.NullReferenceException :. Object references are not set for an instance of an object Source error: An unrestricted exception occurred during the execution of existing web requests. Information about the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack trace:. [NullReferenceException: Object references are not set for an insta...

Replacing ASP.NET POSTBACK with jQuery form posting -

I have a login screen, I have 2 text boxes and 2 radio buttons. I also have an ASP.Net button. The user clicks the button in his code, also clicks from the button, I have the following lines to check the user login string emailId = txtEmailId.Text.Trim (); String password = txtPassword.Text.Trim (); // The code is valid for user checking ... if (isValid) {Response.Redirect ("index.aspx"); } Else {lblMSg.Text = "InValid Login"; } This is the typical ASP.NET process. Now I want to avoid the posting of the page and I must use the jQuery form to post. Anyone can guide me how to do this? Hey, I can read the control value as "= txtEmailId.Text". Can I do this in the jQuery form posting method? I know that I am passing an email and password as an email string. Now I do not want to use the query string to do this. Any ideas ?? Use Thanks in advance $ Post to post back Reveal your method as a service method so you can call it "pagena...

c# - How do I "Thread.Join" a BackgroundWorker? -

Say I'm displaying a form to the user, and using backgroundwalker to do some work behind some background scenes I am doing By the time the user clicks ok, I can not work until the BackgroundWorker is completed. If this is not okay when the user clicks ok, then I want to show the waiter till it continues till then. And then release. What is the best way to implement it? I know I could use a simple old thread, and then thread it. Join, but I like the backgrounder Can it be done well? is? You can use this code instead BW Var reset event = new manual rsset (incorrect); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (state => {Thread.Sleep (5000); // LongRunning function, async call resetEvent.Set ();}); Reset event when user clicks Waiting (); // Blocked calls,

c# - Distributed file system for .NET -

Recently I am studying on HDFS (HADOP) and GFS and myself thinking that there are no similarities. Native implementation for windows and / or .NET is done by the user in many applications developed by me Facilities are included to support the content created, and currently, it means that depending on some types of storage services such as MOSO or S3, or my servers Using some type of NAS in the field. I'm interested in a setup that will allow me to copy moses or S3 style copy locally so that my files can be automatically stored on multiple machines and have high availability. Is there a need for C # in addition to Windows' built-in DFS (which requires Active Directory, which is not running on my server farm)? Open AFS, SQL Data Services or Just?

c# - When deleting and creating performance counters in a service it can hang the service -

In the app I wrote that as the app spin-up we delete and redraw the display counters. When it is running from the console, the application removes and fixes the counter and counter category. When we run from a service, the app removes the counter category as the candidate, but when it creates a new category, the service time out if ( PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists (CATEGORY_NAME)) {PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete (CATEGORY_NAME); } works properly, but then hanged in this method Personal ShowConcenter category Entertainment (category) {PerformanceCounterCategory category = faucet; If (! PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists (CATEGORY_NAME)) {category = PerformanceCounterCategory.Creative (CATEGORY_NAME, CATEGORY_HELP, PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, counterCreationDataCollection); } Return range; } on. Axis Line I hope it has something to do with the permission, but as the production requires us to run the service as a local system, i need to fix it i...

How-To Read Address Book (Wab) Files With C# -

कैसे Outlook Address Book (Wab) फ़ाइलों से C # P> एक कोडप्लेक्स है जो आपको ऐसा करने की अनुमति देता है।

php - How to use in_array() for caseless? -

This is a large array, so I will not allow every value to be straighted out. " i ": $ result = preg_grep ( Use with case incompatibility flag '/ pattern / i', $ array);

oop - Resume abandoned downloads with php ftp? -

Is there a way to resume a broken download via an FTP connation installed with php? Could php resume a broken download? Yes, it can use the ftp_fget optional $ resumepos parameter () function. Example: $ remote_file_name = "/test.txt"; $ Local_file_name = "test.txt"; $ Ftp_server = "ftp.your.server"; $ Username = "Anonymous"; $ Password = "my @ email"; $ Ftp_stream = ftp_connect ($ ftp_server); $ Result = ftp_login ($ ftp_stream, $ username, $ password); If ((! $ Ftp_stream) || (! $ Result)) {echo "FTP connection failed \ n"; } Else {echo "connected to ftp \ n"; } If (file_exists ($ local_file_name)) {$ resume_pos = filesize ($ local_file_name); } And {$ resume_pos = 0; } $ Local_file_handle = fopen ($ local_file_name, "w"); $ Result = ftp_fget ($ ftp_stream, $ local_file_handle, $ remote_file_name, FTP_BINARY, $ resumepos); Fclose ($ local_file_handle); Ftp_close ($ ftp_stream); You can us...

ruby - Is there a quick way to create random development data for a Rails application? -

I would like to write a rake that will load some development data for my app so that I can see what the design looks like Some data in the browser, with the population there. I have tried hacking something together using ActiveRecord and Faker gem, but I have difficulty keeping it simple and practical. The problem is that the relationship between classes is quite complex. Just to think about how it is, here is a simplified version of the layout part. . property ------ make the model serial_number asset_type_id asset_types ----------- normal_type specific_type attribute_name ------------- - Asset_id name attribute_values ​​---------------- value asset_id attribute_name_id include user and roles also and a group of others. Any suggestions? Should I Know About Auxiliary Gems? To add one thing ... it would be nice if there is a feeling of data. As if the asset type was "computer", then "dell" was created etc. Although it is not strictly necessary. ...

c# - Inject HTML markup around certain words in a string -

I have these two strings: "some text here" and "some text here" and I have a collection that contains words that I want to match against the text in the strings. "Some", "text", "here" If a word matches a certain word in the string (even if it is upper or lower case) I want to take the original word from the string and Around this, some HTML markups like & lt; Dfn title = "Definition of the word" & gt; Original word & lt; / Dfn & gt; I was playing around with the string. Again () the method is not sure how to match regardless of the case and still how to keep the original word intact (so that I do not replace the word "" or vice versa). In fact, the string.Replace method is not versatile enough for your needs in this case. Lower-level text manipulation should work. The course is regex of course, but the algorithm present here is going to be the most effective method, and I thought...

localization - JavaScript for detecting browser language preference -

I am trying to detect the browser language preference using javascript. If I use the browser language in IE in Devices & gt; Internet Options & gt; General & gt; Language , How can I read this value using Javascript? The only problem with Firefox is that I tools & gt; Options & gt; Content & gt; I'm not able to detect settings for navigator. Linguistics by using languages ​​ . using navigator.userLanguage , this start & gt; ControlPanel & gt; Regional Language Language Options & gt; Regional options detect settings made through the tab. I have tested with the navigator.browser language and the Navigator systemLanguage but the first setting ( Tools> InternetOptions & gt; General> Languages ​​ ) I have found this that discusses it in detail, but the question is not unanswered: ( I think the main problem here is that the browser settings' t actually be navigator.language Property javascript Receipt is d...

visual studio 2008 - Get VS2008 to "tree-indent" partial classes (like code-behind files) -

I have created a multi-platform project, and everything works well except for the same thing when I use a specific platform file ServiceImpl.Desktop.cs This does not show / (What I mean to check the last image in the article) .. How to read any idea "VS 2008" to do this? It works like usual with the usual XAML and code-back ... OK, the answer works perfect for the general situation. Now, there is still a small problem with the silver lights project. The file is basically located in the desktop project, so the solution works, however, if the "parent" file is a link, then it starts creating a problem (has no effect) ... See this code: & lt; Include compile = ".. .. messages \ services \ MessagingService.cs" & gt; & Lt; Link & gt; Service \ MessagingService.cs & lt; / Link & gt; & Lt; / Compiled & gt; & Lt; Compile = "attribute \ assemblyInfo.cs" /> & Lt; Compile Include = "Services \...

How to append html element as a first element in an exist body using JQuery? -

मैंने $ ('body') का उपयोग किया था। संलग्न ('my HTML elements') लेकिन यह कोड को शरीर के अंत में जोड़ने के लिए, मैं शरीर के अंदर एक प्रथम तत्व के रूप में जोड़ना चाहता हूं। कैसे JQuery का उपयोग करने के लिए? आप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करते हैं: $ ('body')। प्रीपेड ('मेरे HTML तत्व');

popup - How to find modal dialog opener from javascript? -

I have a page that opens a modal dialog. After the work done on the conversation, I want to refresh the opening page. But when I open the popup using "OpenDialog" then I click on the window on the popup page Can not reach the opener using the opener. When I wanted to access it appears "undefined" (I do not want to use the "popup" method in this case. I think this method should be a dialog. Using "popup" is my second plan.) What is the best practice to get rid of this issue?

performance - How to measure and collect loading speed data of a website across the globe? -

I used tools like YSlow to measure the loading speed of our website, because I am based in Germany, our Though customers are mostly Asia (and our servers in the US), I would like to measure the 'real' loading speed on the customer side. Does anyone have any indication of how this can be accomplished? Yahoo's boomerang is not an out-of-the-box solution, but providing this framework You can do whatever you are looking for in the same way If anybody finds ingenuity, please tell us!

Objective-C: Reading a file line by line -

What is the proper way to deal with large text files in Objective-C? Suppose I have to read each row separately and treat each line as an NSString. What is the most effective way to do this? A solution is using the NSString method: + (id) stringWithContentsOfFile: (NSString *) path encoding: (NSStringEncoding) Anch Error: (NSError ** ) Error and then split the line with a new line separator, and then repeat the elements again in the array. However, it is quite inefficient. There is no easy way to treat the file as a stream, instead of just reading it at all, instead of being told in each line? Just like Java's Java.O.Buffard Reader. This is a great question I think is a good example of @didric The answer is, though it is unfortunate that there is no mechanism for what you really want to do in Cocoa. You have the amount of n bytes (very similar to ), but you can convert it to a NSString by yourself , Then Scan for Newline (or whatever o...

jQuery shadows for rounded corners -

I am currently using CurvyCorners for my rounded corners. I'm also using the shadow plugin from the problem is that the left shadow is a box, while the element at the top is rounded to the corner. Any suggestions on finding a rounded corner shadow? Corner plugs are usually done with multiple divit tags or SVG rendering inside your original div The original div is still a class so that it is presented as a drop-side. You are trying to do a lot with plugins and basically you have reached the limit of what you can do with them. I suggest creating some of your HTML reactors to go through old-fashioned routes and to create some PNG images and get the effect.

objective c - How to use an Audio Unit on the iPhone -

I see a way to change the pitch of the recorded audio as it is saved in disk or played back Goes real-time). I think audio units can be used for this. IPhone audio units provide limited support (for example, as far as I can tell) it is not possible to create / use custom audio units, but many out-of-the-box audio units are available, One of these is AUPitch. How do I actually use an audio unit (especially AUPitch)? Are you hooking it somehow in an audio queue? Is it possible to combine chain audio units together (for example, simultaneous buzzing effects and changes in pitch)? EDIT: After inspecting the iPhone SDK header (I think AudioUnit.h, I do not, at this time in front of a Mac), I noticed that AUPitch commented. So it does not seem that the Apache is available on the iPhone after all. Receipt RoA Apple has better organized its iPhone SDK documentation in - now to find references about it More difficult in Apich, etc. He said, I still am interes...

java - Efficient way to walk through an object tree? -

I have found a set of tree nodes, each of which has an ID, the collection of parenting nodes, and the collection of Hair nodes. For a given node ID, I am searching an effective way to generate all the links passing through that node. So in a nutshell start with the node, and repeat it through all your children. If there is more than one child in a node, then create a link for each child across the children etc. I also want to be able to do it in an 'upward' direction, through parent nodes. Is there a simple algorithm? EDIT: Oh, and I want to be able to output all the nodes IDs in a given series ... Post-text "itemprop =" text "> If you are looking for one or the first it is not more than the following (it is a deep search before). Go to (node ​​node) {foreach (node ​​childNode.Children in node) {Visit (childNode); } Dust (node); } The problem is that there can be cycles in the graph, so the algorithm will enter infinite loops. To get aro...

language agnostic - Any source of good object-oriented design practices? -

Is there a website where people share and discuss good examples of object-oriented design? Ideally, the website should be made up of the following structure posts: A brief description of the problem, including definitions, links, etc. Many efforts of OO design, diagram, pseudocode Currently I'm looking for a source for inspiration. Ward Cunningham (he invention wiki - was the first one And is still active) especially, but there is not much discussion about the pattern in particular (the whole idea of ​​the ward design pattern was very much involved in the beginning, along with the tight programming and some other things;) You can start, for example, it is not coordinated and structured as much as you want (actually actually very chaotic at times ;-) But all of them can be really instructive to follow the rear-backing.

vxworks - taskVarAdd used twice for the same variable -

I have a global structure in my work using the WorkWorks API (API). But during some scenarios, the same global structure is added to the same task which again uses the Action API. [I.e., the functioning person () is called twice from the job for the same variable.) This structure will retain the work ID, message q id for that link The following sample program is written by Benoit to explain the scenario; int v1; void tvl () { int i = 0; v1 = 1; Add Taskware (0, and V1); v1 = 2; TaskWire (0, & amp; V1); v1 = 3; Weekday (1); printf ("initial v1 =% d \ n", v1); For (i = 0; i { v1 ++; TaskDelay (60); Printf ("v1 =% d \ n", v1); } } When I tested the code using Ternado and every time I run my program, - Getting different result // First attempt -> TV1 Inital v1 = V1 = 3 V1 = 3 V1 = 2 V1 = 4 V1 = 4 V1 = 3 V1 = 5 V1 = 5 V1 = 5 V1 = 6 // second attempt -> TV1 inital v1 = v1 = 1 V1 = 3 V1 =...

c# excel converting A1 formula to R1C1 -

2007 formula written with A1 style, how to convert C1's 1A1 style formula into C # It is possible so that later I can use it for the range. Formulaire = ... In the documentation it says that Formulaire should be given in R1C1 style ... For example, this is a "= ROUND (IF (Sheet4! A1: HM232 = 1.0," + If IF (Sheet4! A1: HM232 = 0,1, Sheet4 ! A1: HM232)), 0) " do not want to operate on the matrix At the end, I will replace 0s and 1s in the matrix ... in Excel 2007 I will select the range and Ctrl + Shift + Enter! function.

mapping - windows Login script help -

मैं एक स्क्रिप्ट देख रहा हूँ जो प्रत्येक यूज़र होम डाइरेक्टरी में उपडिरेक्टरी रखेगी। लॉगिन स्क्रिप्ट में हम एक ड्राइव को मैप करते हैं, इसलिए शायद हम एक नया फ़ोल्डर 'एमडी' बनाने के लिए एक लाइन जोड़ सकते हैं, लेकिन एक बार इसे तैयार करने के बाद हमें यह सुनिश्चित करने की आवश्यकता है कि इसके बाद के लॉगिन मैं सोच रहा हूं कि यदि मौजूद है या मौजूद नहीं है तो कोई भी काम कर सकता है, उदाहरण के लिए कृपया धन्यवाद करें

django - python classes that refer to each other -

I have two classes that show each other, but clearly the compiler complains. Is there a way around it? Edit Actually my code is slightly different than using hunk. Therefore, Python can certainly deal with some types of circular references, but it tells about an error in the following situation. The following is what I have found and I get a 'name wi not defined error'. class X (models.model): creator.register () creator.register (Y ) Class Y (Models.Model): a = Model Firenci (X) B = Model.Carfild (max_length = 200) Hope it helps to clarify. Any suggestions In class, the class is loaded when class is loaded. Now, what does this mean? ; -) Consider the following code: class x: print "hello" def __init __ (self): print "hello again" When you load the module that contains the code, the dragon will print Hello whenever you create x , the dragon will print again Hello . You can think of def __init __ (self): ... as __init__ = ... - jQuery validator plugin without using form -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एकाधिक खंड एएसपी है .net जो हिस्सा में डेटा सबमिट करता है और मैं jquery सत्यापन प्लगइन का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मुद्दा यह है कि सभी प्रकार के रूप और बच्चे के रूप में सही और तकनीकी रूप से गलत नहीं wokring wraps। इसलिए केवल वैकल्पिक भूल जाते हैं प्रपत्र और divs के लिए सत्यापन का कार्यान्वयन लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि सभी प्रकार के फार्म का उपयोग कर रहे हैं जैसा कि jquery पर अच्छा नहीं है, मैं इस पृष्ठ के अनुभाग (पर div) पर इस वैधीकरण का उपयोग कैसे करना नहीं समझ सकता। क्या यह संभव है? या किसी अन्य अच्छा विकल्प? स्रोत: नाइटिंगेल 2k1 की तरह, आपको उस प्लग का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए एक फॉर्म के साथ ही ठीक है यहाँ एक त्वरित उदाहरण है जो इसके बजाय एक DIV का उपयोग करता है: & lt; div id = "pseudoForm" & gt; & Lt; input type = "text" name = "first_name" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "अंतिम_नाम" / & gt; & Lt; / d...

c++ - help with explicit template especialization -

I am thankful for getting this example from my book but I can not understand why the line S & lt; Zero, interval & gt; Sv; // (2) on the template but S E2; // (1) When it is thinking that it is used (2) especially in particular Can anyone explain the behavior? BTW All the comments in the code below are from book authors Thank you very much! template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class type {public: typedfed I; }; Template & lt; Typename T, typename u = typename type & lt; T & gt; :: I & gt; Class S; // (1) template & lt; & Gt; Class S & lt; Zero & gt; {// (2) public: zero F (); }; The template's & lt; & Gt; Class S & lt; Four, four & gt; {}; // (3) template & lt; & Gt; Class S & lt; Char, 0> // Error: 0 You can not change the location of main () (S> int> * pi; // OK: Uses (1), no definition is required S & lt; int & Gt; E1; // Error: Usage (1), but no definition is available ...

android - Passing in a Bitmap as the EXTRA_STREAM parameter when launching an Intent -

From Javadock, the extra agriem parameter requires an URI when starting an intent. How can I pass a bitmap object that I get from starting "android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE" intent? / ** * One content: A stream intent of data related to the URI, * used with {@link #ACTION_SEND} to send data being sent * / public static final String EXTRA_STREAM = "android.intent.extra.STREAM"; I think you have to save it to disk and pass a file There will be: URI EXTRA_STREAM additional.

encoding - The Point of Bencoding -

Recently I'm walking with bit protocol. I have not been able to talk in other encoded files besides giving headache to parsing them? What are the advantages? Why not use xml? / sarcasm For one thing, I'm pretty sure that the encoding More space-efficient than XML.

Chat comet site using python and twisted -

I want to create a site like Can someone recommend me some ideas? I think its built-in pair twisted, orbiter comet server Twisted is a good option for creating a server for a browser based online game a few years ago. It used to be - he kept track of customers, responded to Ajax requests, and used the HTML5 server-sent dom events. Thanks to the PDAN web framework rather than the competition. I personally support the DJ. It's quick to go with it, and it has lots of functionality in the box ("Batteries are included" as I think it is called on their site). Pilanes is another popular option.

activerecord - Custom Named Attributes in Rails -

Whether it is possible to customize / override the name of an attribute in ActiveRecord, so that it does not match the column name in the database. ? In my specific case there is a legacy column, "amendment", that I can not remove at this time, the name of the column conflicts with actions_as_audited. Until I complete my migration, which of the necessary legacy code I have for those errors? The solution I want to override the attribute name for this column, and some areas that call it need to be updated. Thus, to allow legacy columns living with law_a_audited. I have acts_as_audited , but I'm assuming that its implementation is that column For the accelerator being overridden. In that case, you should be able to do just that: class ActiveRecord :: base def self.name_column (column_name, new_name) define_method (new_name) {read_attribute column_name} define_method ("# {New_name} = ") {| Price | Write_attribute column_name, value} define_method (...

How to call a .NET web service from android? -

मुझे एक यूआरएल के साथ कुछ वेब सेवा कॉल करना है: " "पाठ"> अंत में, मुझे अपने प्रश्न के लिए समाधान मिला। यहां कोड है: पैकेज प्रोजेक्ट। Ksoap2sample; आयात org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope; आयात org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject; आयात org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope; आयात org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransportSE; Import। *; Import android.os। *; आयात करें android.widget.TextView; सार्वजनिक वर्ग ksoap2sample गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है {/ ** कहा जाता है जब गतिविधि पहले बनाई गई है। * / निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग SOAP_ACTION = ""; निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग METHOD_NAME = "हैलोवाल्ड"; निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग NAMESPACE = ""; निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग URL = ""; टेक्स्टव्यू टीवी; @Create पर सार्वजनिक शून्य को ओवरराइड करें (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर.नक्रेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); ...

PHP How to distinguish $this pointer in the inheritance chain? -

कृपया निम्न कोड को दबाए रखें class A {function __get ($ name) {If ($ name == 'service') {नया प्रॉक्सी लौटाओ ($ this); }} फ़ंक्शन रेंडर () {प्रतिध्वनि 'प्रतिपादन ए कक्षा:'। $ इस- & gt; सेवा-& gt; मिल ( 'शीर्षक'); } सुरक्षित फ़ंक्शन संसाधनफ़ाइल () {वापसी 'एरेस'; }} वर्ग बी विस्तारित करता है {सुरक्षित फ़ंक्शन संसाधन फ़ाइल () {रिटर्न 'बीर्स'; } फ़ंक्शन रेंडर () {मूल :: रेंडर (); प्रतिध्वनि 'प्रतिपादन बी वर्ग:' $ इस- & gt; सेवा-& gt; मिल ( 'शीर्षक'); }} क्लास प्रॉक्सी {निजी $ mSite = null; सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन __ रचना ($ साइट) {$ this- & gt; mSite = $ साइट; } सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन मिल ($ कुंजी) {// समस्या यहाँ}} // मूल स्क्रिप्ट में $ obj = new B (); $ Obj- & gt; प्रस्तुत करना (); सवाल है: विधि में 'प्राप्त' वर्ग 'प्रॉक्सी' में, मैं केवल $ mSite (ऑब्जेक्ट पॉइंटर) का उपयोग करके कैसे संबंधित संसाधन फ़ाइल नाम निकाला जाता है (resourceFile नाम देता है)? इसके बारे में: सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन मिल ...

How to run SQLITE in a Windows Mobile Application developed with Qt -

I'm trying to run a simple SQLite application on Windows Mobile with QT. Although I can not manage it, although I have developed other windows mobile applications with Qt. I can not get the basic error mobile device / emulator SQLite driver, because I get a "driver not found" error and the following code snippet with it Prove itself: #include & lt; QCoreApplication & gt; # Include & lt; QSqlDatabase & gt; # Include & lt; QStringList & gt; # Include & lt; QtDebug & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {Querc application application (argc, argv); // Right on the mobile platform and the wrong message on the desktop app. QDebug () & lt; & Lt; QSqlDatabase :: Drivers () empty () .; } If you can follow-up, I would appreciate it: 1) Do I specify any flag to use SQLite with it Qt's Such as: Configure -qt-sql-sqlite ? What Configure - Help indicates for those flags: -qt-sql- & lt; Driver & gt; ... a SQL & ...

xml - Code for communcation between PHP and AS2? -

I have a flash developer with whom I am working. This person is building a device in AS2 which will provide an interface that will send the polling data (first name, last name, email address, vote (categories have 100 items) and some subsets for the user to declare "best" Everything is justified, Flash Dave will post data for a PHP app that I will develop, and I will store the data in MySQL. I want to return the data back to the Flash application. I am "invalid email address" or "problem of connecting database" or "vote information acceptable" messages I want to be able to get back JSON or XML data. But I am thinking that there are tools in AS2 to easily consume such reactions. Some "Hello World" questions I would like to see examples of data which can be JSON or XML data, so I can talk to Flash app and PHP app properly. I understand that AMF is not on the table because it is AS2 but I am open for it Both will work on the ends...

django - Has anyone got django_clickpass working -

There are many problems in implementing code from the Washington Post site and they are not providing suppport sounds like an excellent tool; The current error is: Exception value: (1048, "Column 'OpenID' 'can not be blank') The problem starts in the clickpass, do_registration in openid = request.openid and request.openid.openid & lt; --- request.openid and request.openid.openid There are no users in this stage at user. Openid.create (openid = openid) & lt; ------ Problem here I think self.log_in_user (request, users) return to themselves. O_registration_complete (request) Click to add the registration form and the error appears and checking the SQL is the reason why it fails: There is nothing in the registration process, he has asked me for an open-end but it appears that one has been created and got it back. : variable value name family name u'bright 'given name u' febe 'surname u'phoebe77' clickp...

java - SQLite and J2ME -

Is it possible to use SQLite for j2me application? Has anyone ever tried to do this? SQLite is not written in Java, so what you are asking is either some non-standard Java Making available in the form of APIs, translates into some JNI-like interface or through a lot of SQLIT source code in pure Java code which will probably use the JSR75 file connection for storage. The first solution is similar to adding a new JSR to the J2MM implementation on the phone, which is usually very difficult if it is not impossible if you are not one of the phone manufacturers or its closest partners. I have not seen that specific part of the source code yet, I suspect that the Android platform allows Java developers to use SQLite. As far as I know, the second solution has not been implemented yet (or at least it has not been made public), so it will need to do some work on its work. I'm concerned about the execution of running SQLite in an interpreted language with very little control...

svn - How do you use Edgewall's Trac? -

We are using a lot of Edgewell to manage a large development project. This works in front of our SVN repository, this is our project wiki, and we have progressively built tokens to bind them all together. (We especially love the integration between track and SVN, and post-dimit hook.) But, like any tool, there are several ways to use it, Originally designed beyond the scope of the original. How are you using it? Do anyone customer support tools SVNs are being used as project-specific knowledge boards for repositories (it's automatic). At any time we can make tickets and edit wiki. We have tried to use it as a collaboration tool for our customers. But there is no major success. We are making fixed-value projects. Customers feel that QA, bug reports and tracking should be our duty. But we are trying to use it as a customer support tool. With the Wysiwyg plugin, it is easy to use trac / ticket (we have begun the needinfo type) as a feature-discussion tool

Access application settings from ASP.Net MVC View -

एक mvc 1.0 applicati0n में, क्या यह अनुप्रयोग सेटिंग्स (MyProject.Properties.Settings.Default) तक पहुंचना संभव है। *) मेरे दृश्य (एएसपीएक्स पेज) के अंदर से? मैंने कोशिश की है लेकिन intellisense और संकलक इसे पसंद नहीं है यह कहते हैं कि यह सुरक्षा स्तर की वजह से अयोग्य है। आपका दृश्य केवल डेटा प्रस्तुति के लिए ज़िम्मेदार होना चाहिए नियंत्रक द्वारा इसे दिया गया यह जिम्मेदारी लेआउट के लिए है इसलिए मैं आपके नियंत्रक की कार्रवाई के भीतर से देखने के लिए आवेदन डेटा पास करने की अनुशंसा करता हूं। आपके प्रश्न का तकनीकी उत्तर यह है कि व्यूपपेज पृष्ठ से निकला है, ताकि आप ऐसा कर सकें: & lt;% = context.Application ["सेटिंग"]% & gt; लेकिन फिर से, मैं इसकी अनुशंसा नहीं करता।

.net - Data provider to support SqlServer and Oracle -

I am working on an ASP .NET application which uses the .NET 3.5 framework. I have to implement a provider that works well with both Oracle and SQL Server, and hardly MySql, because we are going to sell products to customers who have one of these databases Should also be able to communicate with the person what is the best way to implement this data source? Besides, can someone provide me some sample examples? Thank you. Why do you want to write a dataproder for all the databases? Just write the configuration that helps in configuring the database for the database specified by selecting the database type and other database properties, and change the app.config file by typing the specified datesteputer into your configurator edit Here are the ways to use DbProviderFactory, you can find more samples in the web, just use this class instead of the specified squares,

c++ - How could this simple pointer equality test fail? -

शून्य फ़ाइल मैनेजर :: CloseFile (फ़ाइल * const फ़ाइल) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; MAX_OPEN_FILES ; ++ i) {if ((_openfiles [i] == फ़ाइल) == सच) {_openFiles [i] == नल; }} ... _openFiles FileManager का एक निजी सदस्य है और केवल फ़ाइल * के सरणी है - जब तत्काल खिड़की में सटीक परीक्षण किया जाता है तो मुझे 1 के परिणाम!!! संपादित करें == सच विशुद्ध रूप से एक विवेक जांच के रूप में जोड़ा गया था! आपके पास _openFiles [i] == शून्य; होना चाहिए _openFiles [i] = नल; ?

c# - Where is the VBComponents object in the Excel object model? -

Hi I'm working with C # and Excel 2007 ... I have to run excel from c # and I wanted to add a macro, for which I think I need access to VBComponents but unfortunately I can not see it after the following wb.VBProject Should I add a com object? Or what should I do to see VBComponents ... I already have using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; // wb is a workbook. I can see VBProject but its other components are not ... To add VBIDE, it looks like you have to search for Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility Library for more information. Hope this help

iphone - How does one design the datasource for a UITableView in order to sort with a UISegmentedControl? -

I am in the process of designing and coding an iPhone app to display the timing of the movie I currently have a Movie class is: NSString title NSSDate release date NSSDit Score My UI is a simple UIAV Control Controller , which has one section control because it has a title and UITableView Interface bill In order to demonstrate the movie setup in R, there are 3 segments in the control of the segment: Data for table view is currently provided by a NSMutableArray movies for title, opening date and score (on rotten tomatoes) Which is the property of AppDelegate. I know that I can register target actions using the following code, but I am unsure about how to sort the UITableView data at this point: / P> [Fragmented control addTarget: Self-action: ControlEvents for @selector (action :): UIControlEventValueChanged]; When and how does UISegmentedControl change the selected segment, then how do I use UITableView ? In addition, you can type code in ...

.net - CASPOL, FullTrust and running an ActiveX Control in IE with FullTrust based on URL -

I have set an active X control to run on a webpage The server is capable of serving this webpage on its own. , But intranets and other machines on the internet are not able to use it. The caspol settings look like this: Code Group: 1 All code: FullTrust 1.1. Zone - Miechopter: Fullstrost 1.1.1 Strong name - (Excluded): Full Trust 1.1.2. Strong name - 00000000000000000400000000000000: Full Trust 1.2. Zone - Intranet: Fulltrust 1.2.1. All codes: Single site Web 1.2.2 All code: FIIO FILE in the same directory - 'Reading, Path Discovery' 1.3. Zone - Internet: Internet 1.3.1 All Code: Same Site Web 1.4 Zone - Incredible: None 1.5 Zone - Reliable: Internet 1.5.1 All Codes: Same Site Web 1.6 - http: // MYSERVERNAME / APPLICATIONNAME / *: Full Trust success The application I am attempting to use is group 1.6. Am I doing something wrong here? [edit] The IEDebug error log on the machine displays a long exception while trying to access control from the intranet, most not...

java - Do spurious wakeups actually happen? -

Looking at the question related to various locking and (almost) always searches for 'loop' due to fake detective 1 I wonder, did anyone have such an awakening experience (for example, assuming a decent hardware / software environment)? I know that the word 'fake' does not have any meaning, but what can be the reason for it ( 1 Note: Edit: A helpful question (People who prefer code samples): If I have the following program , And I run it: public class fake {public static zero main string [] args) {lock lock = new retront lock (); Condition condom = lock.newCondition (); Lock.lock (); Try {try {cond.await (); System.out.println ("wake up!"); } Grip (Prerupted Pre-Probe) {System.out.println ("Just a regular interrupt."); }} Finally {lock.unlock (); This is tidbit in Wikipedia: In the pthread_cond_wait () function is implemented in futex Using system call. On Linux every blocking system call suddenly comes back with... - Getting values from viewstate using JQuery? -

क्या व्यूस्टेट से एक विशिष्ट मूल्य को JQuery का उपयोग करना संभव है .... कस्टम नियंत्रण पर काम कर रहा हूँ यह jquery का उपयोग करता है, एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में मान को हेरफेर करने के लिए खुद को नियंत्रित करने के लिए एम्बेडेड ... मुझे एक न्यूनतम और अधिकतम मान लागू करने की आवश्यकता है ... गुण नियंत्रण में स्थापित किए जाते हैं, और व्यूस्टेट में संग्रहीत होते हैं ... इसके बजाय छिपे हुए इनपुट फ़ील्ड का उपयोग करने के लिए, मैं काफी जानकारी को सिर्फ व्यूस्टेट से बाहर खींच कर उस तरह से इस्तेमाल करना चाहता हूं .... क्या यह संभव है? धन्यवाद $ thebox.attr ('min') और $ thebox.attr ('max') या समान के रूप में संदर्भ देते हैं।

function - Lambda calculus and church numerals confusion -

I am trying to understand the basics of Lambda calculus and church numbers. I am studying and practicing a lot, but I continue to keep stuck trying to see how some functions work. The example I am caught on is as follows: Perhaps someone can explain to me where I went wrong. 1 Church number can be displayed as: λf λx. The exponentation function can be given in chunk numbers (M ^ N) in the form of: x λm λn Nm What I have to do is show that after applying the exponentation function 1 and 1, I get back 1 after 1 1 1 = 1. I am doing this so I think better how these functions work. My job is as follows and every time I get stuck: // exp (1) (λm. Λn Nm) (λf1. Λx1.f1x1) (λf2. Λx2.f2x2) // option for m (λn. N (λf1. Λx1.f1x1)) (λf2. Λx2.f2x2) // space For option (λf2. Λx2.f2x2) (λf1. Λx1.f1x1) / / option for F2 (λx2. (Λf1. Λx1.f1x1) x2) // option for f1 λx2. (Λx1.x2x1) And I got stuck there. I've lost both 'F', left with X and I have not got back 1. Where a...

model view controller - What is Data Transfer Object? -

What is the data transfer object? There are Model Class DTOs in MVC, and if not, then what is the difference and do we need both? The data transfer object is an object that is used to encode data, and an application They send it from one sub-system to another. DTO is usually used to transfer data between your and UI layers, usually by the level of services in the n-tier application. The main benefit here is that it reduces the amount of data that should be sent to the wire in distributed applications. They also make great models in MVC patterns. Another use method for the DTO may be to summarize the standards for the call. This can be useful if any method takes more than 4 or 5 parameters. When using the DTO pattern, you can also use the DTO assemblers. Combinations are used to create DTO from domain objects, and vice versa. Conversion from domain object to DTO and back again can be a costly process. If you are not creating a distributed application, you might not se...

com - Strange exception when calling code in a web service vs a windows exe -

I am interpinning the web service with some com objects using a code shared with a Windows app The application has no problem interpinning with COM objects but the web service will skip this exception 'Type' mapshots. FODDSLFFode.foddiscription 'In the assembly' ILFFOD, version =, culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null 'is not marked as serializable.' I'm not trying to return any object to the web method, just trying to do some work on the server to return to the client. Does anyone have any idea what's going on, Search Online has not returned a lot. Thank you in advance! If you have access to the code, then you try to mark the FODD encoding as serial You can. Check that all objects are used as input and output from the web object, in which the sub objects are marked as serializable.

c# - SharpZipLib ~ File Version -

मैं एक फ़ाइल का संस्करण विशेषता कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मैंने "संस्करण" प्रोप करने की कोशिश की लेकिन यह मुझे सभी फाइलों के लिए एक ही नंबर देता है मेरा कोड: जबकि (getNextEntry) {ZipEntry entry = inStream.GetNextEntry (); GetNextEntry = (प्रवेश! = नल); अगर (getNextEntry) {string fileType = पथ। GetExtension (entry.Name); स्ट्रिंग संस्करण = "अनुपलब्ध"; // प्रविष्टि। संस्करण। टॉस्ट्रिंग (); // आदि ...}} यह सही व्यवहार है मैं SharpZipLib से परिचित नहीं हूं, लेकिन .zip प्रारूप में ही, फ़ील्ड संस्करण में इस विशिष्ट फ़ाइल को निकालने के लिए आवश्यक PkZip सॉफ़्टवेयर का संस्करण होता है (या सॉफ्टवेयर का संस्करण जो इस फ़ाइल को बनाया था)। और, जैसा कि आमतौर पर, एक उपकरण के साथ पूरी ज़िप फाइल बनाई गई है, इसलिए इस तरह के क्षेत्र में एक ही संस्करण शामिल होगा। फिर, ज़िप में संस्करण फाइल नहीं है, लेकिन सॉफ्टवेयर का संस्करण जो इस फ़ाइल को पैक किया है। आप ज़िप प्रारूप (ज़िप प्रारूप के बारे में जानकारी का मुख्य स्रोत) के बारे में अधिक पढ़ सकते हैं।

uiview - Conceptualizing Cocoa Touch Views, Controllers & OO programming in general -

This is a very high level, but the cocoa is large and I'm still trying to get my head around it. Can someone validate my expectations ... Say I want a number of screen scenes on screen (for example a car image), which the user can touch and rotate around Will you start sub-classing with UIView UIImage property (as opposed to UIImageView or UIButton) then the "Red", "blue" and "yellow" cars in the view controller are immediately called and stored in the NSMUTABABEER Rte are? I can set the initial layout in the interface builder but not sure how to connect the custom objects back into the array? Need to start something in the roaming state? Is not able to detect the rotating in the IB?!? That's why I'm guessing in this case that it would be better to create the initial position in the code before the scene is displayed. Finally, once displayed, touch the animation and logic to add, remove and count "car" in touch controller? ...

Suppressing command-line from Visual Studio (05/08) output -

I am trying to suppress command line from output in visual studio - my plan / Nologo On the command line - but I can not find any location in the application settings or IDE settings to do this. I might have some clarity, but in reality edit : I can best describe which problem in the following scenario: I have a solution Many projects I created F7 (or configured via Configuration Manager to configure all) to hit F7, In order to step through the warnings / errors in the project, I Ra) At the beginning of the output of each project (which usually has 0 warnings and 0 errors) is a statement such as the following: "c : Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ Csc.exe / noconfig / nowarn: 1701,1702 / errorreport: signal / warning: 4 / defined: trace / reference: "c: \ Program F Iles \ reference assembly \ Microsoft \ Framework \ v3.5 \ System.Core.dll "/ reference: c: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET.Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ System.Data.dll / Reference: C...