
Showing posts from March, 2012

xmpp - C# Client to Client Messaging -

I will try and make clear what I want to achieve first. Imagine two users when the user opens a particular form, then the form is applied to the underlying data records, so that the user can only make changes at that time. User B has a list of all records (in a grid) that is already in reference to the records opened by user A among others. What we want to do, when the user opens A record, then the user is updated to show a lock icon next to the line to update the record list of B. The record is in use. This is a trivial example of what we do with messaging but you get the idea that User A does something that user B should know about it. I have implemented a system using Cobar-Net for C # and an Open Fire Jabber server. Actually when the message is sent, a new line will be inserted on the message table in the database. The message table is seen by a service client using the SqlDependency object, so when a new message is created, the service creates relevant messages and sen...

Bug : Dojo Dialog + Flash in Firefox 3 -

I have a Flash component on dijit.Dialog. In Firefox 3, I can not click on the flash button. When I click on the correct flash I get much away from the tooltip from where I clicked. It is working on all other browsers. I had to update the dojo from 1.1 to 1.3 for the IO 8 issue. After updating, I think to get this problem. Earlier done in Dojo 1.1 worked fine. I have given the square. Digitidoug do an overflow: auto. Now works fine.

c# - DataAdapter update method - which connection does it use? -

Sorry for the stupid question probably because I did not find anything about it, it is completely clear about it and I'm just looking at the blind !! I am trying to update the table of data from a database to a database in the database. Update (dataset) But there is no possibility to set up the connection, DA should be used. How to connect the DA to DB, where is it? Or do I misunderstand the concept of DataAdapter? My current code is like this: Protected Dataset updateDataset Ds {DataSet dsChanges = new DataSet (); SqlDataAdapter da = New SqlDataAdapter (); DsChanges = D. Gate changel (); // Update dataset de. Update (dsChanges); Ds.Merge (dsChanges); Return ds; } I wrote this and how it works (or if) it became suspicious ... I have tested it yet, because I have some Other code will be written Thanks, PPL, Stack Overflow FTW! A SQLData adapter is a SQL command object, which has a squanecting object that is connected to it. How to you have the option to...

.net - FolderBrowserDialog takes eons to list the subfolders of a folder located in an USB drive -

It takes several minutes to provide a subfolder for using a FolderBrowserDialog in a USB drive (independently how many subfolders are). I am using the code which is: if (folder browser dialogs = shodiolog () == dialog_rilot.ak) {// bramp value} I navigate to the USB drive, and wait for a long time by clicking on a folder in the root. This is it. NET 2.0 SP1 (32 bit executable) on Windows Server 2003 x64 Is there a known reason for this? Why is it taking so much time than Windows Explorer? A cursory Google search indicates that I am alone, I have got a reference on it about crashing on the 64 bit system, but I do not really get crashes, if I wait a few minutes So this work is finished. Have you tried to debug Windows Explorer, re-reloading when that subfolders are opened Used to be? And do the same for your application? Either the system is making a difference in the call or something else or the last case it fails many times and only succedes some time.

java - how to set default method argument values? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 17 उत्तरों क्या यह सेट करना संभव है जावा में डिफ़ॉल्ट विधि पैरामीटर मान? उदाहरण: यदि कोई तरीका है सार्वजनिक int doSomething (int arg1, int arg2) {// कुछ तर्क यहाँ 0; उदाहरण: उदाहरण के लिए: उदाहरण के लिए: कोड> करना कुछ (परम 1, परम 2); कुछ करो(); धन्यवाद! आप विधि ओवरलोडिंग । सार्वजनिक int doSomething (int arg1, int arg2) {वापसी 0; } सार्वजनिक int doSomething () {return doSomething (defaultValue0, defaultValue1); } इस पैरामीटर रहित विधि को बनाकर आप उपयोगकर्ता को पैरामीटरबल विधि के कार्यान्वयन के भीतर प्रदान किए गए डिफ़ॉल्ट तर्क के साथ पैरामीटरबल विधि को कॉल करने की अनुमति दे रहे हैं। इसे ओवरलोडिंग विधि के रूप में जाना जाता है।

How do I find common files changed between git branches? -

I have an upstream repository with some changes. I have local changes that I want to rebase on upstream changes. I want to change the files that have changed locally. I have also changed the upstream so that I can see any automatic merging. Alternatively, I would like to merge manually during rebase. slightly expanded: make the first part of the question for you, create a new branch, and resubmit it freely , And then compare the copy of your work. Workshop of git branch GIT commit # to get your local people in their branches You can only "GIT Defrif / Original / Branch Taurus" For Interactive Part: GIT Rebase - Interactive To "edit" all the commands Set up and you will be taken through each one through one-by-one so that you will get a chance to see it all. The contents of your heart. Edit to respond to comments OK, to view the converted files strictly, do this: git log a0a0a0 ..b1b1b1 --name-only --pretty = oneline | Egrep -v '^ ...

vb6 - Visual Modeler in VS 6 -

To date I have used VB6 Professional only for the development of apps. But recently I joined a company that was VS 6 is the owner of Enterprise (or some such version) I was just searching for what is available at VS6Ant. And I got a visual modeler. The tutorial provided is not enough. I was wondering if there is any detailed tutorial for Visual Modeler? Is Visual Moderator Cut Off Edition of Ration Daily? I have never developed such equipment that is for the development of the app. What are the benefits of developing such applications? The document claims that any development and VB6 & amp; VC ++ 6 Applications How true is this claim? My company also has Ration Rose 6. Which is better than the Rational Rose 6 or the visual modelor VS 6 comes with ant? Yes, visual modelor is a cut off version of Ration Daily, however, I actually compare rosy roses It found it more useful The modeling tool may be great for some analyzes and designs but it does not get suc...

javascript - Time Input Field -

I am creating a form to accept time value HH: MM, how can I filter user input How can I show the text field in the colon? I think I'm searching for some kind of filtered input box. Normally it's one, do something on it Edit: It appears that

apache - How to do URL re-writing in PHP? -

I'm trying to implement URL rewriting in my PHP application. Can anyone share a step with the process of implementing URL rewriting in PHP and MySQL? In my application, I want to implement the following URL rewriting, I want to redirect. 1 Http:// 2. to 1 2. http: // Please tell me how to implement the rewrite URL in any of the above ways. One more thing that should be best according to the URL SEO, Management, Application Point of View is one of the following two types. 1 Http:// 2. Io-2009-wave-intro . Usually this will not do anything more than enabling mod_rewrite module (you likely have enabled with your host already), and then adding an .htaccess f...

semantics - when to use UL or OL in html? -

अंतर-मिलान योग्य लगता है? उल का अर्थ" अनोर्ड सूची "है OL का अर्थ है "आदेश दिया गया सूची"। उल आपको बुलेट अंक मिलती है राजभाषा आपको नंबर मिलती है निश्चित रूप से इंटरचेंज करने योग्य नहीं है। - Is it possible to checkout files from subversion without those .svn folders? -

Is it possible to checkout files without severing those .svn folders? (To publish a .NET application to release the server). Yes. Just export svn exported REV URL path The contents of the URL will be placed in PATH. (Path is modified and optional.) Obviously, you should not use this command to start working on files.

git - How do I use GitHub through harsh proxies? -

Looking at the following constraints, how can I use GIFT from Windows and Unix? The proxy only allows connections on port 80 and 443 The Connect method is only enabled for 443 See one (NTLM or Basic) by Proxy Authentication Jeff Tank (already available) Download and install. Edit or create the file ~ / .ssh / config : Proxy Commands / USR / bin / Corkscrew proxy 443% h% p ~ / .ssh / myauth host user git port 22 hostname identity file "/ media / truquet 1 / kas / guitkeys ..private" tpkpelive yes recognize that's just yes Ssh.github .com user git port 443 hostname identity file "/ media / truccit 1 / KAS / GuitBooque's ..private "TCPKPlayView Yes Only Yes If everything is set up properly, then you have to ssh should be able to run and view Hi user! You have successfully verified, but GitHub has not provided shell access. connection closed for If t...

security - On Windows, who is in the Everyone and Authenticated Users groups? -

My application uses a named pipe to IPC. To provide extended local only access, what access control do I need? Pipe to 2.0 is built by the remote protocol, and it is already an ACL for the 'network' group in which everyone has access to denial, so I think only local users can access it. In my Remoting Configuration file, I need to select an 'authorized group' which can access this pipe. I have to carry any process running on the local machine to my named pump. I need to choose between access for 'each group' or 'authenticated user' group, looking at the local-only access, what is going on under 'each group' Not in the 'Authenticated Users' group? I am interested in the answer for Windows XP and above. "Everyone is a collective group for" authenticated users "and" guest ". For Win 2000 and beyond, it also includes "Anonymous", where no checks have been made "User is authenticated...

compiler construction - Flex linking: Why is the size of my swf file smaller than the sum of it's swc's? -

Here's a dumb question: I compile my Flex application with several SQL (libraries) and it creates a SVF file is. The sum of Swc is roughly 4 MB, yet the actual SUV is only 1.6 MB generated. How is this possible? Thank you! The compiler compiles only sections of the Swc that your application requires, unless you specify it Do the categories that you want to 'embed', so in the end the small size of swf

wif - How can i get the WindowsIdentity or WindowsPrincipal of a WCF Claim / SecurityIdentifier (SID)? -

I'm trying to get access to all users of the Administrators group through WCF. internal sealed class Authorization Manager: Services Authority Manager (public override bool Chekaaksis (Opreshnconteks operation Koranteks) {base.CheckAccess (operationContext); ReadOnlyCollection & LT; ClaimSet & gt; ClaimSets = operationContext.ServiceSecurityContext .AuthorizationContext.ClaimSets; claims claims Dawaset = claims set [0]; Foreach (claim claims claims claims. Fndaclaims (claim Taipksnket rights. identity)) {security identifier sid = (security identifier) ​​claims. Resources; Ante Sikount Antiakkwont = (Antisikount) Sid. Tronsselet (Taipf (Antisikount)); // this would be line throws an error How can I convert a WindowsIdentity a SecurityIdentifier /? WindowsIdentity user = new WindowsIdentity (NtAccountkValue); Windows principal principal = new Windows principal (user); return of principal. Introl (Vindojhbult Inrol. Admontr);}}}} authenticate you You will not have...

delphi - Why would you check for Assigned(self) in object methods? -

I'm looking at some code (Delphi 7) with which the following check is at the top of each method call for a specific object : If not assigned (self) then take exception. CreateRes (@sAbstractError); {The actual code for this method} I think it will stop me from trying to call a method on an empty object pointer. But as soon as I am in the case of member data Tried to reach, I will get an exception, is not it? Is this some type of standard that I have never seen before? The object in question arises from TPersistent. You can call an example method on an empty pointer, though it is not something that you knowingly When this happens, the execution continues to a great extent until it needs to reach the frequency data and then it all gets banged. In that case, will alert you to the top of the screening process for zero, so that you do something different as a stack trace logging or you can put a break point on the lifting line so that you can enter it Can and see what...

sql - Why must you GROUP BY the columns in a CASE statement? -

I am trying to run a query against a table in SQL Server 2008 where some data was entered incompatible And I have it. To handle this, table data example: OrderID Volume Value MarkedUpTotal 1 10 1,00 11,00 1 -1 1,00 -1,10 1 - 1 1,00 1,10 I have to handle the situation where the quantity is negative but the marked yoga is recorded as positive. I would like to run the following question: choose order-id, as SM order quantity, SM (quantity * value) as internalcost , In case when the volume is & lt; 0 more marked abdominal & gt; 0 So, in the form of ClientCost (-1 * MarkedUpTotal) and Yoga (MarkedUpTotal) from the OrderID by the OrderItems Group However, I get the following error when I run this query: Invalid column selection in the list because it is not contained in either a composite function or GROUP BY clause. Select the list that is invalid in the Column MarkedUpTotal because it is not contained in either a composite function or GROUP BY clause I...

iphone - Turning on 'DEBUG' macro value -

In my code, I want to work some tasks conditionally: #ifdef DEBUG NSLog (@ "I'm in Debug Mode"); #endif I have configured Project-> Project Settings-> Build tab so that 'DEBUG' is listed as a user-defined setting with value of 1. The configuration dropdown in the debug is selected, it still does not turn on the debug build instructions, although I figured this would happen. To allow this, what do I need to do during the construction phase? You have to set a compiler flag for it. To do this, get information on the target, make sure that you have selected debug configuration (and not all configurations), and other C flag and Other C ++ flag ( GCC 4.2 - Language in Xcode 3.1) Then add the following as a value: -DDEBUG for both. It will define DEBUG to take it to Precompiler

unit testing - How to configure SQLite to run with NHibernate where assembly resolves System.Data.SQLite? -

I am using the latest NHibernate 2.1.0 Beeta2. I am trying to test the unit with SQLite and have set up the configuration in this form: dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; Properties = New Dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); a quality. Add ("connection.driver_class", "NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver"); a quality. Add ("bid", "NHibernate.Dialect.SQLiteDialect"); a quality. Add ("connection.provider", "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider"); Properties.Add ("query.substitutions", "true = 1; false = 0"); Properties.Add ("connection.connection_string", "data source = test.db; version = 3; new = true;"); Properties.Add ("proxyfactory.factory_class", "NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu"); Configuration = new configuration (); Configuration.SetProperties (attributes); When I try to run it, I g...

dotnetnuke - DNN Containers -

This may be a common question, but I can not find it. What are containers in DNN? Skin is essentially a layout plus color scheme for the entire portal. So what containers have skin for desktop module? Sorry if this question is a newbie, I still do not have faith in DNN, and I am studying Doku. Although I need this answer very quickly. Cheers. containers allow you Default.aspx Add any module to style and markup independently of the page skin or special module. Skin (.ascx control, either the portal default or selected on the given tab) - has its panel Container (.ascx control, in the case of some editing buttons Module (.ascx control, usually coming from / desktop module) I hope that It helps, Eric

rss - Aggregating feeds in Rails application -

I am thinking of writing a daemon for loop through feed and then databases as an ActiveRecord object Add to First of all, I am facing a problem that I can not rely on the author / user of a story reliably using the feed-general gem gem. It appears that some times, this does not recognize the tag (I do not know if someone else is facing this problem). Secondly, I have not seen anyone in changing RSS feeds into database entries. I need to do this because every entry should have affiliation with other active record objects. I am not getting any gem to do this specifically, but can I hack something like acts to do this? Am I itemprop = "text"> Do not use simple RSS This will not decode HTML institutions for you, and it can sometimes ignore the structure of the feed. gives. I found it easy to parse the feed as XML, but you can use any XML parser. / P> - How to get unique client identifer on server? -

I am creating an event log that will log the transaction log in my website. The details of the log will include the public IP where the transaction has been organized and the local IP address (under the Public IP). I have found ways to get a public IP address, but I am unable to locate local IP or machine IP from where transactions are done. A large number of entries will be made by people using the same connection. That is, 5 or 10 computers are connected by the same connection. I need to find the machine name of the machine that makes the transaction (for 1 1920.168.0.2 for 1 system 2020.168.0.2) and the computer name ... Is it possible To clarify, you want private IP addresses of clients Connecting to the client router? No, there is no way to do this. Are you doing this to differentiate between different users? Can you use another method like cookies?

C++ array initialization -

Why can not I start a local array with a string The correct answer is that you can - for a definition of array, and what string do you really want to accomplish? four str [] = "Hello World";

Best way to save only day and month in database -

We will have to save the day and month of the annual reakuring event. (Think of it as the day of the day when the invoice is to be sent to the customer.) We have to do some calculation with this information. If the customer is paying twice per year then after this we simply do not have to check what this day is today, but also if this day is in 6 months. We now have several options: a) We save the information in a DATE field but ignore the year. B) We create two int fields in the database date_day and date_month c) We create a varchar field and then do a reggae and partition eg. 31.12 Every time we do some calculations. We conducted many tests and found that c) is definitely very slow but we still have the option A) and B). First of all, we wanted to go to B) but after some tests we do more for one. Is there a good technical reason that one option would actually be better than the other? (We are currently using MySQL, if this is important.) I want to choose b), becau...

javascript - How Can I get Text Inside an Element with Children using jQuery -

I have a stored text in a variable that contains several span tags. I have to get all the materials inside every spin immediately. How can I do this with jQuery or Javascript? & lt; Htmltext & gt; Research University has given a 5-star rating in the current research estimation exercise. It is one of the UK's leading technical universities, which specializes in research to provide important solutions for industry, commerce and health care, voluntary and public sectors. & Lt; Span class = "NBResult" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "NBResult" & gt; Data transmission speed & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; green fuels, the need for small business marketing, European bureaucracy and treatment & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "NBSearchTerm" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "NBSearchTerm...

java - Swing application problem -

I am developing a swing application, and everything works fine but I have a GUI problem. When I run the application, and for example I reduce some other window, my application is still working, but the middle part of JFrame is invisible or hidden Happened. Program Logic is visible again and again after completing some parts of the GUI. This will continue till the program is over. Is there an API to stop this behavior, or to add GUI to some sections, or maybe to add some progress bar? If anyone needs this information, then I'm testing it on Windows Vista with Java 1.6. I think you're doing some kind of slow IO or calculation that your GUI will become unresponsive Are created for What do you need to do? The standard way to do this is with a class. There are some great resources and tutorials on how to use swingwalker properly. And this is a link to another question that I believe might be the same. This behavior you are seeing is the result of your l...

winapi - Process name change at runtime (C++) -

Is it possible to change the name of a process on runtime (which in AP functions under 'Task Manager') Win32? I should be able to change this program in my own name, and not the help of other programs would be appreciated, preferably in C ++ and to remove any idea of ​​the virus, this is not a virus, yes, I know what I am doing, this is for my own use. I know that you are asking for Win32, but most * under Nix, it just Changing the argv [0] can be completed

c# - Linked Braces in Visual Studio 2008 -

If you can, how can I make a vertical line between open brace and close brace in Visual Studio 2008 (C #)? [Pic1 - I want to do this with braces] Thank you. created by those lines, and more with an adin that just matches .

java - Is it possible to get a "potential" stack trace for a method at compile time? -

Therefore, I've got a regular one that can be told with four different functions. What I want to do is run the possible routes which could be said to this routine. I am using Eclipse I am thinking that it should be possible to some extent because I know that I can do it with my hands, though slowly In the eclipse, right-click on the method name and select 'Open Call Hierarchy' 'Ctrl + Alt + H' belongs to.

java - Running a .sql script using MySQL with JDBC -

मैं जेडीबीसी के साथ MySQL का प्रयोग शुरू कर रहा हूं। Class.forName ("com। mysql.jdbc.Driver "); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: /// x", "x", "x"); Stmt = conn.createStatement (); "+ +" प्राथमिक कुंजी (आईडी) "+"); "+" प्राथमिक कुंजी (आईडी) "+" ("+" बनाओ टेबल एमीज "+" ("+" id int AUTO_INCREMENT रिक्त नहीं है, "+" नंबरे char (20) रिक्त नहीं है); मेरे पास 3-4 तालिका बनाने के लिए है और ये अच्छा नहीं दिखता। क्या MySQL JDBC से .ql स्क्रिप्ट चलाने का कोई तरीका है? ठीक है आप इस प्रोजेक्ट में यहां इस क्लास का उपयोग कर सकते हैं (पेस्टबीन पर पोस्ट की वजह से फ़ाइल लंबाई)। लेकिन अपाचे लाइसेंस की जानकारी रखने के लिए याद रखें। आईबैटिस लिपि के रिपॉप्फ़ को हटा दिया गया है। निर्भरता को हटा दिया गया है। आप इसे इस तरह उपयोग कर सकते हैं कनेक्शन con = .... ScriptRunner runner = new ScriptRunner (con, [booleanAutoCommit], [booleanStopOnerror]); Run...

iphone - Pinch Media - Core Location Optional -

Will use pinchidia and core panel framework, which makes it unusable on iPod touch without GPS is? If so, then there is no way to reduce this dependency because my actual application is not cautious? It would be nice to see, but basically I am trying to use it to give feedback on users to those things they want to add to better or add, or in cases where my integration was not there. She said, your users may find it strange because your app will demand their location for no apparent reason, if there is nothing with your app. I personally find that there is a good reason to spoil the app.

java - Hibernate Exception help: TransientObjectException -

When I try to update an object, I get the following exception: Org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: Object references an unsaved transient example - Save momentary examples before flushing: ...... Can anyone help ??? The object that I am trying to update has set the 'lazy' attribute to the wrong mapping file. It seems like being in hibernation, I am hoping to save the hair object before it flashes the update ??? Edit (Added): & lt; Hibernate-maping & gt; & Lt; Class name = "utils.message.Message" table = "message" & gt; & Lt; Id name = "id" column = "message_id" & gt; & Lt; Generator class = "parent" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "message_text" column = "message_text" /> & Lt; Property Name = "message_file" column = "message_file" /> & Lt; Property Name = "is_active" column = "is_active...

mysql - Which is the best character encoding for Japanese language for DB, php, and html display? -

I just want to know about language change for Japanese, 1) Who is the best encoding for database mysql 2 ) Which / Can I print in that HTML page? thank you in advanced. UTF-8 without any doubt Make everything UTF-8 To insert UTF-8 encoded text on your web page, use it in your head tag: & lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> For MySQL, its Mary. Put the following in the Cff file: [mysqld] collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci character_set_server = utf8 default-character -set = utf8 default-collation = utf8_general_ci collation-server = utf8_general_ci If you are getting garbage from the database from queries executed by your application, then you may need to execute these two questions before retrieving your Japanese text: SET NAMES utf8 SET CHARACTER SET utf8

c++ - API for streaming audio -

Can you recommend an API that receives at the end of a streaming server to connect with the sound data example Winamp? In my szenario I have some wave specimens and they would like to "create" the sound / music, which will result in the stream for the audience to be streamed. My favorite language is C ++ (red) thanks Stephen Try the related API.

java - BufferedReader for large ByteBuffer? -

Is there a way to read a bytebuffer without a bufferbringer starting a string in the first? I want to read through a large bitfuff in the form of text and avoid wanting to write it on disk for performance reasons Calling does not work to call the bytebuff because the resulting string is too large (this is java.lang. OutOfMemoryError: Java heap throws space). I would have thought that there would be anything in the API to wrap a bytebuffer in the appropriate reader, but I do not find anything suitable. Here is a brief code sample that shows what I am doing: input stream is input from the InputStream () public string read (InputStream istream) {ReadableByteChannel source = channel (istream); BytereoneOperfectTream Oostrum = New BytereonOperputstream (Buffer Size); WritableByteChannel Destination = Channel. New channel (ostream); Bytebuff buffer = bytefuffer.lookpoint (buffer size); While (source buffer)! = -1) {Buffer. Flip (); While (buffer HSRManning ()) {destinatio...

java - OSGi and legacy libraries -

I'm looking at OSG for a while and I'm thinking the best way to deal with "legacy" libraries ( Which are issued as plain jars, not as the OSG bundles). Do you think that is the best way to handle them? Modifying his manifest file and adding minimum bundle-specific information, then reducing it again, what I do at this time, but it seems to me somehow wrong Do I just use manual dependency management for these jars (I do this for those libraries, for whom only high probability of being used in a certain part of my application)? As far as they are available, I am using bundles for eclipses (since I am using Equinox as an OSGI platform, it works well for those libraries Which are available as bundles). Should I Know Any Bundle-Repository Eclipse-Bundles? Osgi is running on a large scale, using Equinox as a built-in platform is. If you are in the development of the OSG, the following is the following. And to answer your question, here is the Osage Bund...

iis 7 - IIS 7 static file compression problem -

We have 3 web servers running IIS7 I have enabled compression for static and dynamic content. Are testing under servers and after half an hour the styles on the site started breaking. I started the investigation and found that IIS CSS and JS files are Content-Encoding: Gzip but the actual file content is not compressed. Due to this, the browser provides an error while trying to process the content. This issue disappears if I resume IIS. Has anyone experienced similar issues? What is the best way to diagnose the problem? Thanks The problem was because of the CMS (Sitcom) we are using We were upgraded to later versions and since then we have done this work. Perhaps this is a third party httpmodule that could cause problems.

netbeans - Have a jcombobox filter a jtable -

Following this tutorial Indicates that a text box How to use Will someone tell me how to do the same thing, but use a dropdown to test against a specific column? (i.e. a dropdown of countries to be filtered by the country's column? thanks Depending on what the source is for the dropdown, I think the dropdown has not been used as part of itself, but Jethet's own data, but the unique data coming from a column of data Show a list of that? In that case, you can get Jettble's data modal, and then in the special column You can walk through all the cells, put them into a hashp, and put the string in the form of a key. In this way you have a list of unique strings (unfiltered) to use as a data modal for the dropdown box. That's when your list is to be updated, you can add a model listener to Taleedemodal.

import - In java how do you refer to a class that is in the default package of a third party library? -

I have downloaded a third party library and have classes I want to refer to in the default package? How can I import these classes? It is not possible directly with the compiler, the sun removed this ability. If there is a default namespace, then everything should be in the default namespace. However, you can do this by using the ClassLoader . Assuming the class is called thirdparty , and there is a fixed method call in it doSomething () , you can implement it like this: class claz = classloader.get system class loader (). Load class ("Third Party"); Java.lang.reflect. Method method = clazz.getMethod ("doSomething"); Method.invoke (zero); It's tedious to say the least ... Some time ago, before Java 1.5, you were able to import ; Third party; (Anonymous / a square from the default namespace), but no longer look at it. In order to not be able to use classes from the default namespace, it is suggested to use the JDK 1.3.1 compiler to demand ...

Writing a stream protocol: Message size field or Message delimiter? -

I am about to write a message protocol on a TCP stream. The receiver should know where the message limits are I can send either 1) Fixed length message, 2) Size field so that the receiver knows how big the message is or 3) a unique message terminator ( I think it can not be used anywhere else). I will not use # 1 for efficiency reasons. I like # 2, but is it possible to get out of sync? I do not like idea # 3 because it means that the receiver can not know the size of the message prematurely and it is also important that the Terminator does not appear anywhere in the message. With the # 2, if it is possible to get out of sync, can I add a terminator or are I guaranteed not to be out of sync when the sender program that sends is correct? Is it necessary to do # 2 and # 3? Please tell me. Thank you, jbu You are using TCP, packet delivery is reliable If the connection is either drops, timeouts or you will read the entire message. So option # 2 is fine.

debugging - Why is Visual Studio 2008 stuck in debug mode when compiling -

I have a .NET project that gets trapped in debug mode for some reason. I've changed the compilation mode from debug to release in Toolbar, but my project also ends in the debug directory. It seems that VS SLN is not updating the file or something. Please help! For this reason, I am asking about it because it seems that the weak reference "ECLList" explores the mammogram, when my program runs, and when they are compiled in NAT apps, debug ( Or says that I have other sources online). - Mark Go to Configuration Manager in the dropdown list, enter the active solution configuration Set to release, and make sure that the configuration of the project is also released. Also, go to the project property, and check the Output folder release mode. In addition, click Build, Clean Solution, then Build, Build Solution. Depending on your problem, they can not help or help.

Is there a way to reload/refresh a java applet from within the applet itself? -

There is a button on my applet (contained in a browser) that I want to reload or refresh the whole applet Refresh the entire browser Is it possible within the applet? Applet content. Use the SHOW document (...) method: This applet will load the document containing the applet in the same window / frame already loaded.

google maps - Mapping API for Flex/Actionscript application? -

I am working on an app in Flex, will use the mapping feature. I have experience with Flex in Google Maps API, but it seems limited to me (compared to other APIs and Javascript APIs). In particular, I'm interested in developing some clustering (to prevent too many points from being on the map at a time, group slow rendering). I am thinking that any person has any such recommendations on which APIs can be used / seen, and perhaps there are unique features for the API. I think some of the other providers have "good-looking" maps as well. What I am now looking for: Google Maps Many are familiar, but some of the key features may disappear. Yahoo Maps There is not much to know about it. Too many markers seem to handle very well, really looks good. Visually 50K requests per day is less than Google's free. ArcGIS I've got my eyes on this for a while. In fact it looks strong, great sampling index, apart from this, the markers automatically have a lot ...

c# - Working with an unknown number of unknown types - .NET -

O people, I have removed some of the complications of my needs that I need to know, the origin of it. I want to send a collection of values ​​for a method, and within that method, I want to test the value against value, say, property of an entity Property will always be of the same type of value. I also want to test if the value is zero, or the default value, it is clearly dependent on whether the value type is a reference type or not the value type. Now, if all of the values ​​sent to the method are of the same type, then I can do it using generic, quite easily, like this: public static void testGenerics & LT; TValueType & gt; (List of & lt; TValueType & gt; values) {// Trial Null / Default foreach (Value in TValueType v) {if (EqualityComparer & LT; TValueType & gt; .Default.Equals (V, Default (TValueType)) {// do not value // (; TValueType & gt .Default.Equals (V, SomeOtherValueOfTValueType) EqualityComparer & lt) {// value equals // comap...

php - Best practice for using fopen() or file_get_contents() to retrieve web pages -

I seek information from a web page (my own site) and find some advice in the best way to search again I am going to find that information for a certain lesson. Keep in mind that some servers running PHP / Joomla do not have curl enabled, I do not want to be the reason for any unexpected errors. I have seen both FOPN (and) file_gate_content and each other has contradictory views in context, which will work with / without the cue. they both will work without curls, but you should be able to allow_url_fopen You can see by executing phpinfo () However, for security reasons, see: Then to capture pages, you can enter fopen ( ), file_get_contents () or some other free HTTP clients that can be implemented in PHP such that they can work without.

java - globally disable enter/return key in a SWT dialog -

I have created a dialog class which fill some common widgets such as text, combo, and trees. To prevent this behavior, I have to say that entry / withdrawal is pressed in the form of default behavior (the default 'OK' button is pressed) to dismiss this dialogue. Add a trace listener to filter Trops key for each widget: if (SWT :: TRAVERSE_RETURN == event.detail) {event.doit = ​​false} Is it somewhat upset that there is such a way in the level of communication at the world level? I found that Jefs communicate it easy by Adolekit method to disable the default Enter createButtonsForButtonBar . And the final parameter: createButton (Guardian, IDialogConstants.OK_ID, IDialogConstants OK_LABEL, false); should be false: prefix @ override Protected Zero ButtonsForButtonBar (Composite Parent) {Button Button = Make Button (Guardian, IDialogConstants OK_ID, IDialogConstants OK_LABEL, incorrect); } - Is it possible to post an SMTP HTML email with forms controls to a web page? -

I thought I asked before trying. I'm Feeling that I need to monitor some email inboxes instead of processing emails on email instead of emailing them on the email page. It is possible to not think of 'submitting them directly on a web page', unless I am misunderstood. Probably, the flow will be: User Email-> Server Inbox-> Database-> Generated HTML

sql server - How do I get revolving last 12 months in T-SQL 2005? -

फिलहाल मैं DATEPART (yy, MY_DATE) = DATEPART (yy, GETDATE ()) का उपयोग वर्ष-से- तिथि विवरण और इसे पिछले 12 महीनों में घूमने के लिए परिवर्तित करना होगा। मैं यह कैसे करूँगा? आप dateadd के साथ दिनांक अंकगणित कर सकते हैं, उदा। जहां MY_DATE & gt; डेटएड (यै, -1, मिलनैट ())

winapi - Can't run a service under an account which has no password? -

If I have a password in the service's "logged on" account then I can start the service properly. But when I delete the user password and try again, I get the error: "Error 10 9 9: Service did not start due to logon failure" Can not one service run under an account with blank password? By default, all modern versions of Windows have local security policy only to log in to the local console In other words, a user with an empty password must be physically located on the computer to log on. User batch can not log on as a user, as a service, on the network, etc. By changing the policy under Local Policies -> Security Options, this can be changed or by changing the LimitBlankPasswordUse value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Lsa to zero. But, and it is very important, it will set a serious hole in your security because users with empty passwords are now quite easy to guess being able to log on to a remote and empty ...

mysql - Selecting items from one column based on values in another. -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटा है: id1, id2 1 3 1 8 1 10 1 11 2 3 2 10 2 11 3 2 3 18 3 20 4 3 4 8 5 3 5 10 5 11 5 40 5 45 5 50 6 1 6 59 6 70 मैं नहीं आईडी 2 = 3,10,11 के साथ सभी आईडी 1 प्राप्त करें। उदाहरण के लिए, id1 = 4 केवल id2 = 3 के साथ, वापस नहीं होना चाहिए। परिणाम होना चाहिए आईडी 1 1 2 5 चुनें भिन्न (आईडी 1 ) TBTEST कहां ID2 IN (3, 10, 11)

php - Google Search API Backend -

I was wondering if any of you can know how to implement any backend system which is SEO information from Google (Website Ranking, # I understand that the Google AJAX Search API ( will allow you to retrieve content without "wget". ", But using search information is not legal ( Any ideas about applying it? There are many services that will scour Google for you, but what I can tell is against Google's TOS if you are legally able to do this Understand the way May include, tell me I'm guessing that is not familiar to some who permit approved, but I'm not sure who they are. I have only one idea so far: Set up a "proxy server" that is used to automate the Google query of the customer. The proxy can then see the results and make scraping, and it is not "automatic". If a user enters 20 words, open 20 frames that search through a proxy server. Piggyback is ...

c# - GridList Control Column Header Click -

When I click the column header, then I would like to order content in a column, do anyone have any ideas How can I use C #? For WinForms: For ASP.NET:

statistics - Are there any generic statistical board software? -

I was thinking about monitoring the development of a single value (no, it is not such a representative: - p) , And I want a good histogram about it Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Annual calculation for maximum, minimum and average value. Ideally the product should be scribbled so that I can feed it with the result of the script. Something like this: Set it up, set the cron (or, if it's a daemon, even better), set the input, enjoy the output If it does not exist, do you think you will be interested in such a device? Because I could finally end coding. Edit: I'm not searching for a lib or a language but an app. I'm not sure if they are what you want, but I have the R data package and various python Looking at numerical and scientific libraries, like numpy and scipy, they are probably fluctuating, but they can have graphical components from which you can benefit.

powershell search for docs created by user? -

Can I search for a drive to show all the documents created by a particular user? I thought the path of powers is ... but maybe another way is possible? Actually, I want to find a drive and find * .doc or * .docx files and access word properties to see who created the file (author) App> . You can then view the document's metadata using the collection on the object. The author's name, if present, will be in that collection. It will take a while, however, you can only see the file system ACL to determine the file system? But this only tells the user who created the file, not the person who created the document. Another option would probably be to use Windows Search from within Parschell, obviously you can use it with an OLE DB provider. And I think Windows Search is able to ask the author's information from the Word document.

django - Unable to find/build a commenting system similar as at Djangobook -

I want to open my notes in the same way as if. I have not found any open source systems on the website. I am particularly interested in vertical commenting system. This suggests that I need to make myself one for the open source. How will you prepare a similar comment as a website Each paragraph ( & lt; p & gt; ) contains an ID ( cn0, cn1, etc.) and a square ( cn ). This is the only part of the comment system given to the text, besides the div on the page which acts as a popup, which also has a comment form. The rest is done with javascript. When the page loads, they send back an AJAX request to get the number and location of all the comments in the document. It looks like: [[0,4], [3,2], ...] With it, it adds a When you click on the bubble, another AJAX request is initiated to receive comments for that bubble. In this case, they send the actual HTML to a render instead of a JSON object like On the backend (this is all speculation now) they a...

c# - When to call base.method() and what code should go in a base.method()? -

In the following sample, the authors of the derived class will be expected to call the base. If this happens 1, the base can make a type of code if it is final, the base can make the second type of logic (see sample). I do not think this is possible in both ways and it will be easy to call the base method, because the foundation will never know that it is called first, last or middle or twice! What is the object oriented approach to dealing with this? Should I stop putting code only in basic methods because I will never know the situation before and after? Edit: The target is to classify a business object that runs the CRUD, the repeated code will be transferred to the base class. For example, to see that before adding a record, the business object's ID is 0 and after saving it is checking that the Business Object ID is> 0. Nameshon Stack OverflowCommunications {class BusinessObjectBase {Private bool _New; Private INID; Add public virtual zeros (string newaccount) {//...

database design - How do I express a polymorphic association in JPA? -

A is similar to a foreign key or a lot of relationships, the difference is that one of the targets could be Many types (classes in language, tables in DB). I have been using PHP from Java for a few years, in the old code, I did my own ORM roll, which was not optimal for several reasons. Although I can begin to change things later, and maybe things have started implementing itself, because now I would like to use off-shelf ORM and JPA on my unit classes. Now, one thing about database layout which I do not know how to express in JPA: I have a node and one edge table that stores a graph (a drag, if it counts). Each node can optionally refer to another entity from the database. These relationships can be refreshed several times during the entire graph and there may also be "orphans", which will not be suitable for the user, but which will keep the minimum for some time. These objects are not all related in the context of Warsaw etc. But there is a natural hierarch...

Feedback on Apple instruments tool -

I was wondering if using some good steps with tool tools and / or step tutorials with nice pictures There are video tutorials. Apple has published Instruments User Guide. It is accessible within the iPhone Developer Page:

scripting - Need a PowerShell script that copies files from the current dir that the script is run from to another location -

I have a very basic PowerShell script with which I need help with my first time to do so bare scripts with me Attempt is I work for a software development and they asked me to write a script which they can package with their build updates. Basically they will complete a build that will move to a folder (say \ server \ build \ release1.1.2). We need a script that takes all the files / folders from that folder and copies them to the designated places. I need a script to read the creation of the current "with the title of the folder and make it the same # build folder when it copes it is quite easy for it but I need all dynamic references, So when the release 1.1.3 comes out, we leave the same script there and copy all the files in the appropriate directories (and make them if they do not exist). I am not sure that I am completely clear. If I am not, please tell me and I will answer those questions as I can. Thanks !. You should initiate this script, run it to see an ex...

database - Storing Waveforms in Oracle -

I am preparing a new laboratory database. I want to store raw results together for all tests. However, the results can be either a measurement or a raw wave. (See footer) The case below is the ideal (and why)? ... or provide your own ideal choice. test test_id * (other Test field) Option 1: separate single values ​​and wave results test (1 - many) measurement (\ - too many) RAW_HEADER 1 - many RAW_point solutions RAW_HEADER measurement_id * raw_header_id * test_id (FK) test_id (FK) rec_time DATE as start_time measurement sample_rate RAW_POINT raw_header_id * (FK) point_index * raw_measurement Option 2: Overlap common fields from option 1 Exam (1 - Excluding: - Multiple) Measurements (1 - many) RECORDING_POINT Option 1 : Excluding: & nbsp; & Nbsp; For signals & nbsp; & Nbsp; measurement : measurement sample_additional & nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; RAW_ POINT : raw_header * (FK) has been changed to measure_add * (FK)...

c - Returning the terminal cursor to start-of-line with wrapping enabled -

I am writing a filter (in a fixed pipe for terminal output) which is sometimes used to "overwrite" a line It is necessary that it has just happened, it works by stdin to reach character-up-to-character until one \ n , and then to implement special behavior. My problem is to know how to get back in the beginning of the line. The first thing that I thought was the \ r or the ANSI sequence \ 033 [1G . However, if the line is wrapped on a terminal for a very long time (and so it is due to scrolling), it will only take the cursor back to the existing physical line. My second thought was that the length of the line (the number of characters passing through the previous \ n ), and then sometimes echo out \ b though , It goes wrong if the line has a control letter or escape sequence (and possibly Unicode?). To search for all the special sequences is small and an easy way to use it to adjust the number of my characters is to achieve this? Even if there is a ...

java - Can I connect to a jsadebugd process on a remote machine from Eclipse/IDE debugger? -

I have a Java process running on a Linux box, but it can not start / restarted in debug mode is. I read about the command and started the daemon, but I can call it IDE (possibly eclipse) or maybe you want to connect to your kit or gensallol. how can I do this? Remote JVM is 1.6+ I believe that since you mentioned your kit and other device If you want to do exactly what you want to do then object state has some options inside your applications, although I do not think it will give you the ability to install eclipse such as a breakpoint or any other debugger (although I will be interactive at the hearing Process debug mode in debug mode Prevents you from doing - technical? Process?) Have you tried connecting like this? I do not believe you need to start in debug mode, and it will will give you the ability to navigate the object graph and observe the object. You can also take hippoods to use it and can do some ad hoc analysis through questions. If you are running on JDK...

iphone - UITabBarController with none selected controller -

In the 3.0 version of the iPod application (and perhaps even in previous versions) when an iPod application is launched after a sync The tab is not selected with the UITabBarController ... Is there any way to complete the same behavior? Or is this just the default page, which is displayed by the iPod app at startup? This will work when your tab bar has already been loaded: Self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = nil; In appDefinishing Launching, you have to use something like this: [Tabbar controller display: @selector (setViewController :) withObject: after zero: 1] ;

Parsing an unknown data structure in python -

I have a file containing several types of data: Group1 {Entry1 {title1 [{Data1: Member1, Data2: Member2}] Heading 2 [{Data3: Member3, Data4: Member4}}} Entry2 {...}} Group 2 {Separate Intent 1 {DiffTitle1 {...}} } The thing is, I do not know how many layers of brackets are, and how the data is structured. I need to modify the data, and before writing everything in a new file, delete the entire entry based on the conditions related to the data entries. What is the best way to read this in a file like this? Thanks! I have something similar but have been written in Java. It parses a file with a slightly different syntax (a '{' and '}' in a dragon just like a dragon) with the same basic structure. This is a very simple script language. Actually it works like this: It uses a stack to keep track of the block (or your case data) within the instructions and adds new directions to the block. up. If it parses an instruction that expects a new block then it is pus...

javascript - ASP.NET how to tell if div is scrolled to the bottom -

I do not know how to do it and I need help. I am using and I have There is a Diva with overflow: Auto set divi rules and agreements show that I have an checkbox control which is set to "set". What do I want to do to make the checkbox visible = "true", when the user scrolls downwards I was trying to add a JavaScript function when the onmouseup was triggered but I do not think That this code is working and I do not know how checkbox control looks like = "true" from javascript code. function checkScrollPosition (ELEM) {if (elem.scrollHyight & lt; (elem.scrollTop + elem.offsetHyight)). {Document.getElementById ("CheckBox1") style.visibility = "visible"; } Your answer is not really in ASP.NET, but more javascript Take a look at Side Jquery Frameworks, I would not be surprised if something like this is done or if someone does the plug-in that will do this. But ASP.N.T There is more about server-side processing,...

calendar - Why is NSCalendarDate in the Simulator SDK but not in the iPhone SDK? -

मैं NSCalendarDate का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, जो / डेवलपर / प्लेटफार्म / आईफोन सिमुलेटर में मौजूद है। मंच / डेवलपर / एसडीके / आईफोन सिमुलेटर -2.2.1.sdk / सिस्टम / लाइब्रेरी / फ्रेमवर्क्स / फाउंडेशन। फ्रैमेववर्क / संस्करण / सी / हेडर्स / एनएससीएनलैंडडाईट एच लेकिन वर्तमान में मौजूद नहीं है / डेवलपर / प्लेफ़ोम्स / iPhoneOS.platform क्या है? 10.5 के बाद पदावनत किया जाएगा। इस प्रकार यह संभवतः आईफोन एसडीके में मौजूद नहीं है: महत्वपूर्ण: NSCalendarDate का प्रयोग दृढ़तापूर्वक निराश किया गया इसे अभी तक पदावनत नहीं किया गया है, हालांकि यह मैक ओएस एक्स v10.5 के बाद अगले प्रमुख ओएस रिलीज में हो सकता है। कैलेंड्रल गणनाओं के लिए, आपको एनएससीएलेण्डर, एनएसडीटेट और एनएसडीटेकंपोनेंट्स के उपयुक्त संयोजनों का उपयोग करना चाहिए, जैसा कि अंदर वर्णन किया गया है। के आईफ़ोन संस्करणों की तलाश करें, और

Check if Python Package is installed -

What is a good way to check whether the package is installed inside a Python script? I know that this is easy with an interpreter, but I have to do this in a script. I think I can check whether there is a directory on the system during installation, but I think that is a better way. I'm trying to make sure that the Skype4Py package is installed, and if I do not install it. My thoughts to complete the check Specific install path Try importing the package and if an exception is thrown, the package If you want a dragon script, just do something like this: / P> Try: Import myrmile except importError, E: pass # module, deal with it

.net - Using TransactionScope with typed dataset -

मेरे पास एक WinForm अनुप्रयोग है जिसमें टाइप-डाटासेट टेडेडएप्टर्स का उपयोग करते हुए SQL डेटाबेस डेटाबेस पूछता है। मेरे पास एक मुख्य फॉर्म असेंबली और एक डेटाबेस असेंबली है जो हर डीबी ऑपरेशन को संभालता है। मुझे लेन-देन में टेबल एडैप्टर का उपयोग करने में समस्या हो रही है और मुझे इसकी सराहना होगी अगर कोई मुझे कोई विचार क्यों दे सकता है अपडेट () विधि इस त्रुटि को देता है: "कनेक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट लेनदेन क्षेत्र में भर्ती नहीं किया जा सकता है।" यहां मेरा कोड है: नामस्थान मुख्य {सार्वजनिक वर्ग} मुख्यफ़ॉर्म {निजी MyDbAssembly.MyDbClass db; // इंस्टेंटिएट और डीबी भरने के तरीकों को छोड़ा गया .. निजी शून्य हटाना () ({TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope ()) {this.db.Delete (id); UpdateDb (); trans.Complete (); }} निजी शून्य UpdateDb () {// बाइंड्सओवर एंडीट एंड amp; Datagridview समाप्त विधियों को छोड़ दिया .. this.db.Update (); }}} नाम स्थान MyDbAssembly {सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyDbClass {निजी myTypedDataset myDataSet; निजी myTypedDataSetTableAdapter.MyTable1Adapter table1Adapte...

mysql - Fetch rows where first character is not alphanumeric -

I'm adding some new features to a small project, on which I am working and one of these alpha endorsements It looks like # 0- 9 ABCDE ... XYZ I can easily get anything from my first letter through a few things SELECT * FROM ... where 'A%' ... like the name starts with a number and all other characters Grouping anything else a little bit More difficult, I think it would be using MySQLs REGEXP. Just to be clear, I need help in making two questions which will get all the rows where the first letter in the column is numeric The first letter in the column is not alphanumeric The first letter is numeric: SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE name REGEXP '^ [0-9]'; The first letter is not alphanumeric: SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE name REGEXP '^ [^ 0- 9A-Za-z]'; (Note that this is different from NOT REGEXP ^ [0-9A-Za-z] , because you only You may choose the option of [^ [alnum:]] option for [code]. [^ 0- 9a-za-z] , but I have not test...