
Showing posts from May, 2012

C# prefixing parameter names with @ -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: डुप्लिकेट: / H3> कभी-कभी मुझे कुछ सी # कोड दिखाई देता है जहां एक विधि-पैरामीटर @ के साथ प्रीफ़िक्स होता है, जैसे: सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य कुछ स्थैतिक पद्धति (SomeType @parameterName) {} इसका अर्थ क्या है? क्या इसका कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अर्थ है? मैं NHibernate में एक EventListener का निर्माण कर रहा हूं, और जब मैं वीएसएनईटी इंटरफ़ेस विधियों को उत्पन्न करता हूँ, तो यह इस तरह OnPostLoad विधि उत्पन्न करता है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग PostLoadEventListener: IPostLoadEventListener {सार्वजनिक शून्य OnPostLoad (PostLoadEvent @event) {}} ऐसा क्यों है? वर्ग नाम का एक चर का प्रयास करें और देखें कि क्या होता है - आप देखेंगे कि आपको कोई त्रुटि मिलती है। इससे आप आरक्षित शब्द को चर नामों के रूप में इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। असंबंधित, आप @ के साथ prefixed स्ट्रिंग भी देखेंगे - यह एक ही बात नहीं है ... string says = @ "उसने कहा" "यह शाब्दिक स्ट्रिंग मुझे सामान्य रूप से और भी लाइन ब्रेक का उपयोग करने देता है।"; यह आपको स्ट्रिंग के 'शाब्...

Can you write Cocoa apps with HTML/CSS and Javascript? -

I was thinking, would it be possible to create a coco app that is an interface with web view? Or have some serious limitations on doing so? If this is "viable", then will it also mean that you can do the same for Windows applications? It is certainly possible to create an application that is a cocoa window that contains a web view of it. Along with it, is sure. Whether it can be called "Coco app" meaningfully, it is the issue of debate. Obviously things like app menu require some coco gum code, yes, there are limits to how much you can do in HTML and JS. You will also have to pay attention to how you handle localization (for each language, it is not desirable to simulate the entire HTML and JS source), and there are a number of interfaces that are used with coca. Going and / or not feeling anyone used for OS X is native and looks and you will leave some performance by using an interpreted language, which is not for your application. It may or may be. There...

C: Using memset function -

This is the code that I want to try to write: #include & Lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Math.h> # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Malloc.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {float arry [3] = {0}; Mmateset (Array, (int) 10.0, 3 * size (float)); Return 0; } My problem is that I have to see whether it is possible to create every entry in the array from 0 to second. However, after stepping on that line, the array material changes to a very small number (0). I am surprised that in this case I am doing wrong using the message () function. I hope this is not a duplicate post, as I am not typing any of the suggested questions. By simply casting twice in Intel, the binary number 00001010 (in 10 binary) creates, and This is the price that is mamated since it is a four, so each of your floats are actually receiving bit pattern 00001010 00001010 00001010 00001010.

.net - Is it possible to create a new operator in c#? -

I know that you can overload the existing operator. I want to know whether it is possible to create a new operator. This is my scenario. I want to: var x = (y & lt; z)? Y: z; To be equal to: var x = y In other words, I have my own & lt ;? operator No, this is not possible. You will need to create a method instead of

oop - reading a configuration information only once in Python -

I'm using ConfigParser to read the configuration information stored in a file. I am able to read the content in this subject and use it in other modules. I'm not sure that the configuration file is read every time when I call the config.get (parameter). How can I ensure that the configuration information is read only once and the remainder is read from the cache. I try to specify the configuration in a variable. get configVariable = config Then you can pass the configuration variable as needed in other modules.

documentation - Documenting C++/CLI library code for use from c# - best tools and practices? -

I am working on a project where C ++ / Clear Library is primarily being used by AC # applications is. Is there any way to make the code's comments in C + # / CLI visible within C # intelligences within Visual Studio? Do not believe that what is the best way to document C ++ / CLI code to make it easy to use in C # (and within C ++ / Cli Course)? What do you think about XML comments vs. other tools (that)? I've got it to work as follows: Use XML style comments for your C ++ / CLI header entries. This means that the complete XML comment is required (minimum - slash comment, gt; tag at minimum) Ensure that The C ++ compiler option is turned on This should generate an XML file with documentation in the name of your assembly (MyDll.xml). Ensure that the C # project refers to your assembly MyDll.dll where MyDll Xml also exists in the same folder. When you mouse on a reference from the assembly, the MS Visual Studio will load the documentation This work...

c# - How do I get MSMQ performance counters? -

I have a bunch of MSMQ which I have programmatically created using MessageQueue.Create (path), but when I I see that the examples of those lines do not see the list, only manually created queues are listed. How do I get a perf counter for all queues? It indicates that the queue moves forward if you have resumed the machine or MSMQ service , Then the percountors for the queue created according to the program are not created unless the program creates an example of queue (currently using the MessageCentor constructor)

sql - How to convert datetime to date only (with time set to 00:00:00.000) -

I have a string '2009-06-24 09: 52: 43.000', which I put in a date time column But I do not care about the time, just to include it as 2009-06-24 00: 00: 00.000 How can I do this? -SQL? Convert (varchar (8), @ParamDate, 112) - Supported route CAST (Flower (CAST (@ParamDate AS float)) DATETIME AS - Unsupported method

release - Debugging/Referncing Strong Named Libraries -

itemprop = "text"> After you have a solution (C #) setup correctly: Web Application projects - Other projects / DLLs There are 16 references to 20 projects out of the web project All projects are strong name (PFX file + version, etc.) When I dropped the DLL from the references and said that instead of a project reference, I'm struggling with a strong name For example:. When I run with project contexts I get: Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the process of configuring the required configuration files for the service of this configuration. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file properly. Parser error message: The file or the assembly could not load Company.Handlers.ClientObject, version = 0.9.3457.28069, Culture = Neutral, PublicKeyToken = 00a0384aefbcb34d 'or one of your dependencies. The apparent definition of the assembly located does not match the assembly reference. (Excepti...

svn - Synchronizing code with two subversion repositories -

By searching here I found that this was a question, but I think my situation is bad! - ( I am a newbie with Internet repository development, I am studying in which there is an interesting sample project - a social network in, the author kept the code as a codepack. (WindowsVN)) but failed. So the code I did was downloaded as a zip file (i.e. disconnected from the project repository), he created his own local store, and started modifying the code. Now the codepacks resume has been activated. What I want to do is that I have to constantly change from the Codeplex repository in my local one, and sometimes some of my changes are returned to the codepacks repository. Is this possible? at least until now and as long as the traffic is low: I have a cube Trent CodePenx 22875 release (as zip) Fortunately, before I started playing with this project, I originally saved the original 16202 zip file on my computer (but I think That I could get it from CodePlex too). Now I ...

database - DB Schema Organization -

I am currently in the stage of building a scheduling web app (for volunteer staffing of events), and I have more experience There is a question for people who have a problem. Background: There is a calendar of events, and at any time any user can register for any of the events in later times, but before that incident, one of the administrators will step in And one of those people will select "Staff List", and the rest will be put in "Alternate list". What I'm still wondering is that there will be an event table, a user table, and then three others: UserEvent Maps users Events for which they are registered. Userstuff For the events registered in Maps users, there is reason to be even more staffing. Similar to UserStaff The question then makes two parts: Do this Is there a good way? Is each of those three assisted tables and User IDs and Event IDs? That is the second question I really want to discuss. It seems that many duplicate co...

mod rewrite - Apache RewriteRule not working without Page # specified -

मेरे पास .htaccess फ़ाइल में एक रीसाइट नियम स्थापित किया गया है: RewriteRule ^ crocodile -स्टाइल / ([0- 9] +) /? $ उत्पादों / display.php? फ़ोल्डर = मगरमच्छ-शैली और पृष्ठ = $ 1 [एल, एनसी] ठीक काम करता है । काम नहीं करता है। अपाचे ने 404 को फेंकता है। पृष्ठ के बिना पेज 1 के लिए PHP तर्क चूक, इसलिए मुझे पता है "> यह दो नियमों के साथ इसे लागू करने के लिए सबसे आसान है: पुनर्लेखन ^ मगरमच्छ-शैली /? $ उत्पादों / display.php? फ़ोल्डर = मगरमच्छ-शैली [एल, एनसी] पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ मगरमच्छ-शैली / ([0- 9] +) /? $ उत्पादों / display.php? फ़ोल्डर = मगरमच्छ शैली और पृष्ठ = $ 1 [एल, एनसी]

domain driven design - Automatically Wrap a Controller Around a Service in ASP.NET MVC -

The question title can not be clear but what I want to do is something like this: How do I layer my app App.domain app. Services App Web What do I need, if I get the / API / order processor / gateall order from this method GetAllOrder in App Services.OrderProcessorService will call . Method One IList & lt; Order & gt; and I want to get it sorted in JSON according to a certain format (I'm actually using ExtJS), maybe something like: {Success: right, Total number: 10, list: [{...}, {...}}} I can walk and make services as controllers, but I do not want to That the service layer is contaminated with the presentations. How can I go about creating a cover controller like this? I do not want to add any attributes to the service class, and it would be good to be able to configure it using IOC, where I want to have the output XML or potential capacity To use the DTO class instead of the original domain class. Any thoughts? It seems as if you are...

batch file to wait for a installation to complete before moving to the next line -

I have a batch file that will show that the user has access to the Directory and NetBank has been detected whether CONFIG The directory exists. If the directory is not present, then the user does not have the Net Framework installed. The batch file then continues to install the Net Workwork. However, setting up my dialer requires installing the .NET Framework before running setup. So I have kept a PAUSE statement so that the user can press any button to continue after the installation of the framework. However, our customer does not like it because some of their customers are unrecognizable and those frameworks press a key before the installation completes. After this the setup causes failure because the framework is not already installed. I am using the user input that will wait. However, is there no way that the batch will wait until the framework is automatically exited instead of using the PAUSE command? Many thanks for any suggestions, @ECHO OFF REM configuration fi...

How can I write a Visual Studio macro to perform an Extract Class refactoring? -

I'm trying to create a macro for Visual Studio 2008 that behaves like this: (Remove class macro) I currently highlight some text in the open document and call the macro (a keybinding or whatever is done). The macro runs "Project.AddClass" for the current active project, allowing me to specify the name of the class. The macro adds text that was originally highlighted in the recently created class file in other documents, and removes the text from the original file. The text is added to the new file inside the new class body, i.e. inside the opening and closing braces. I'm tinkering with it, but I have just created Today it has detected a macro and your question, while given that others have done this - although some of them are yes RS is one of the answers in the form of a reply :) Updated February 2012 - Macro project can be found here:

linux - Where can I find the source code of Unix utilities? -

Can I provide pointers for source code for Linux commands like 'Sort', 'Unique' etc.? apt-mill source corolls more commonly:

Using sleep within iPhone apps (esp. with UINavigationController) -

I am quite new to the development of the iPhone, but I'm close to releasing my first app (from the website I run related) . The app needs a very large database and in this way I have decided to store only the most commonly used data locally, my website closes after removing the other website from the database through the JSON web service call is. Whilst performing a service to kill a web service call-based simulator (Live DB) I was expecting it on the phone while it was taking longer. These calls appear to be worse when compared to the original searches. To reduce the relative distinction, I wanted to insert a fake interstitial (page with activity indicator) for the original searches (already searching one for web service), but with the time of the navigation controller There is a problem, when it combines with sleep (N). However, the search section of my app is on a new controller tab tab controller tab. While trying to use code like this: [[tabBarController.viewControlle...

ListView Selection Rectangle in VB.NET -

How can I temporarily disable the list view selection rectangle, so when a click on the list view and below Keeps the button & amp; Moves the mouse, the rectangle is not shown? And then how do I enable it again? (VB.NET) You can set the capable property incorrect, then to enable again Selecting the right back from will display a gray background when it is disabled.

sql - Best way to store "views" of an topic -

I use this code to update the visibility of a topic. Update topics SET views = idea + 1 WHERE id = $ id The problem is that users get F5 to get ridiculous views Like spam. How should I get unique hits? Create a new table where I store the IP? Do not want to store it in cookies. It is very easy to clean your cookies. I will prepare a separate table to store this information. Then you can get a large amount of data and there is no need to update the table, which is most likely to be read. You will always use INSERT in TLLTIC visuals ... And you get some information on the hit IP address, date and time, perhaps browser version, operating system etc. You can get the information, get as much information as you can - whatever you can get your hands, in this way, you can filter the refresh request from time to time. It is worth considering that many users can share an IP - for example, a complete office can go through the same router

c# - What's the most efficient way to store objects in a SQLCe Database? -

I need to increase the performance of a compact framework application that will continue to be a cached object between the sessions of the SQLCe Uses the database. At present, the objects are serialized in XML and stored in SQLC database, but running a propelling tool seems like it is too high to do this, I was thinking of converting it to a binary serializer, but did anyone Do you know this item in a more efficient way of storing quick recovery? Thank you. Update: There is no binary serialization support in compact structure so there is no choice. First you need to know when the time has passed. Is it in serialization or actual data entry? Without knowing this, you can not effectively try to improve the action and, FYI, provides binary serialization.

jquery:binding a hover event with ajax loaded content -

I'm trying and some new loaded & lt; Li & gt; code> .hower () and I'm stuck at this time I have a & Ul & gt; I reload content in and .overover (); on & lt; There is a hover event on li & gt; . The hover event works perfectly on the non-ajax-loaded material of the course. I know that I can use the mouseover / mouseout to bind to .live (); Which is a good solution if you were not for mouseover / mouseout , then there is bad habit to break the event if you have a child element of the current element The mouse moves despite the reason why I .over (); because I can independently arrange children of my hover-bound element, dam (); does not work at all, so my question is ... Is there any advantage in trying to load AJAX & lt; Li & gt; Event bound and hover effect hover (); Keep it as , or I should just roll and mouseover / mouseout live (); Success message: Success: function (data) {$ ('ul # list) '). ...

How to auto-remove trailing whitespace in Eclipse? -

There are two parts to the question, for which I already have the answer. How to remove the previous white spot from Editing the entire file ? -> Answer: The file can be set to do so on any save to use. Only from the previous white location I do not know this and would appreciate any help. Whitespace is being edited with the full file Save -> Check Select performed actions when saved -> Check Additional Actions -> Configure -> Go to the Code Events tab -> Check Remove the white space on the back -> Select All Rows . Preferences -> Kbd> Java -> Editor -> Save Actions -> Check " Save selected actions -> check format source code -> select format formatted lines . Note that configuring the formatting settings on formatter page is not necessary - All code style laces are automatically included in removing backward white space. I did not find any setting in the format configuration, and it w...

sql server - SQL Query Distinct Column Concatenate Other Column -

I have a MS SQL query that connects to several tables and is an example of the result: Email Address Column 2 --------------------- ---------------- Value1 sean @ abc .com Price 2 Value 5 What I really want to achieve are the following results: Email address column 2 ------------------- - ------- ----------- value1, value2 value5 such other Columns that are similar to each row with the same email address. Can anyone help me get back different email addresses with SQL and add information about column 2? Thanks for any response Try the answer

language agnostic - How do I convert a stereo wav to mono -

If I already have data in two arrays (left channels and right channels) then how to change them Is a single mono array for? Is there a function, so that mono [x] = f (l [x], r [x]) ? The mixture is the average of two channels. f_mono = function (l, r) {returns (L + R) / 2; }

c# - Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker -

I have a small WinForms app that uses a background graphic object to perform long lasting tasks. Background operations sometimes throw an exception, especially when a person's file is opened which is being rebuilt. Whether the code is run by IDE or not. An error dialog pops up informing the net user is unrestricted exception, it is not changed either by compiling the code by using the release configuration. According to : If the operation raises an exception that your code does not handle, the BackgroundWorker catches the exception and passes it into a runawalker integrated event handler, Where it system The error is highlighted as the error property of the mod.module .. :: RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs. If you are operating under the Visual Studio Debugger, Debugger will break the point in the Dockwork event handler, where an unused exception was raised. I hope that to throw these exceptions on the occasion and to handle them at the RunWorkerCompleted event instead o...

windows - Delphi App Communicates with Program That Ends Up Crashing Occasionally - Vendor Blames My Delphi App -

I have written a Delphi DLL which communicates with a third party program through COM. Some users report that the third party program sometimes crashes. Other people using the software in a similar fashion have never experienced an accident when this accident occurs, the third party program is only for my DLL app Is not available in The seller swears how Delphi DLL is coded, although they have not seen the source code and can not tell what the DLL is doing to cause the accident, but they know That's it "something". Apart from the fact that I believe that the third party program should not crash, there is some minor problem in my DLL, suppose that there is a need for some fixing in my DLL. How can I decide how my app can generate this? Does anyone have the experience of communicating through COM with such hyper-sensitive programs? Are there some common things that can crash third party programs? Make the customer happy. Assume that this is not your dll, it ...

c# - Horizontal scroll winforms listview -

Anyone knows if horizontal scrolling is possible only in the list of windows in the list view (large icons set view modes ). What I want to do is creating a list view whose height is only enough to show the icon of one line, and I do not have to make multiple rows, just a very long line that a user can get an out-of-range icon You have to scroll horizontally. If I scroll through the list view, it automatically creates several rows and puts it in a vertical scrollbar, which I do not want. Thank you in advance! property to the left (or ListViewAlignment.Left If you do it in code).

flex - AS2 .swf loadmovie() and unloadmovie() fail when nested inside an AS3 .swf container -

I have an AS2. SWF is loading as a parent AS3 .swf child AS2.swf calls loadmovie () and unloadmov () to display 3 jpeg files. The images are loaded for the first time, but after that, call to loadmovie () to call the image or fail to call the unloadmovie () I have found the following Adobe Bug Report () which has said it is a solution Has been done, and has also said that the child's movie clip can be replaced without a problem. Here's the code that I'm calling. _root.help_mc.scenes_image1_mc.loadMovie ("first.jpg"); _root.help_mc.scenes_image2_mc.loadMovie ("second.jpg"); _root.help_mc.scenes_image3_mc.loadMovie ("third.jpg"); _root.help_mc.scenes_image1_mc.unloadMovie (); _root.help_mc.scenes_image2_mc.unloadMovie (); _root.help_mc.scenes_image3_mc.unloadMovie (); I am not well aware of the action script, so I am afraid that I can not correctly reference the movieclip. The bug report says that children can not change them instead of...

geometry - Find the corners of a deformed rectangle -

I am trying to create a program that automatically corrects the rectangle perspective. I have been successful in getting the silhouette of the rectangle, and the code is there to improve the perspective, but I can not find corners. The biggest problem is that, because it has been distorted, I can not use the following "code": c1 = min (x), min (y) c2 = max X), minimum (y) C3 = minimum (x), maximum (y) c4 = maximum (x), max (y) this will not work with this condition (Angle represents the corner): X0000000000X 0.00000000000.00000000000 ..... 0000000 ....... 0000 ........... X Does anyone know this? Give you one corner from the center, the corner from the first corner, Which will either be either adjacent or opposite. The line from the line between those two corners (a bit more intensitive intensitive) will give you a third corner, I was using distance from the center as a tie breaker. To find the fourth corner, this will be the point outside the triangle c...

design patterns - Get list of changed fields in Entity from NHibernate Session -

I want to track changes to my domain model. I know that the NHibernate ISession unit is an implementation of the official format, Tracks these changes, for example, what is a way to remove them before committing () or flush ()? Take a look at NHibernate's IInterceptor. OnFlushDirty - will show you the properties to continue on an updated object. You just need to create an interceptor class that implements this interface, and when you use your NHibernate session If you configure, then tell that to use that class.

formatting - What is a good stand-alone JavaScript formatter for fixing missing semicolons? -

I am trying to restructure / fix many legacy web code and unfortunately most of it is poorly formatted javascript. I am looking for a batch / scripting utility which can fix javascript which is missing silicol at the end of the executive statements. I have tried script with beautifully- cl.js rhino, but this is not to add a semicolon; Besides, I have tried to think that I can modify it to modify , But it creates all the comments, considering that we have 2000-3000 files, any solution should be scriptable. The following topics were referenced, although none of the solutions was sufficient for many reasons: - does not handle semicolons - no latitude Any thoughts / solutions ? thank you in advanced. Obviously you will need to do this if you want to reduce the files on the deployment. Missing semiconductor probably # 1 reasons do not minimize JS files properly, so I understand your motivation. To run the file through JSLIT, write a small dragon (or whatever) script, use th...

How does browser search tool work on web page? -

I am trying to figure out that in the web browser the search tool is capable of analyzing the entire web page. Heavy content on the page) and as a result we highlight as type. Does the pre-cache of the page while loading in maize or uses regex to get quick results on the fly? itemprop = "text"> The document has already been parsed by the browser Which can be searched and injected document nodes (such as bold text) to change the display. A standard string can be parsed through a mailing algorithm, a very large part of the text in each other. (Think about it, you can run a 3D multiplayer game on 60 fps on a standard computer, with collision detection, visual collaboration, AI, sound, flashy effects, integrated voice chat, some megabytes of text ..)

oop - Which design option is better to use in coding a framework? -

I am creating a framework (in Java but the question is normal) in which I will provide a set of interfaces For example, I may have: Interface IControl {public IMSTOFFMMSTF (); Public IHelper getHelper (); } IMISTOFF {Public Zero doSomeMethod (IHelper Assistant); } How can I make sure that those examples of iiISTF and iHalper are available? One way to create 'gator' methods in the interface and my structure examined for stern objects versatility. Another option is to create intangible sections which implement a factory which calls (using a strategy pattern) but rejects the fact that I have the first place The client has to use the intangible class now. But they could oppose it using the interface instead of the intangible class. So I should not give the interface but only the intangible class ... So, what are your thoughts on this, what is the practical approach of this? class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> How can I ensure that t...

Change Tomcat port on-the-fly -

I want to store Tomkat v5.5 port in an environment variable and listen on port Tomket yet only The method I can see to change the port is amending $ CATALINA_HOME / conf / server.xml. Is there a way to set port prices by supplying external values ​​when starting towel? I'm running a tomack on Somers. Tomk create a script to launch launch scripts, export JAVA_OPTS Tomcat property port. Http.nonssl (Note that you can call this property as you wish). JAVA_OPTS to assign a value to export = -Dport.http.nonssl = $ {CATALINA_BASE_PORT} As you can see, I set is port.http.nonssl to the variable some $ CATALINA_HOME / bin / $ {CATALINA_BASE_PORT} script changes introduced p> ​​now you have a non-SSL HTTP connector uses a rather> port.http.nonssl property $ CATALINA_HOME / conf / server.xml file is hardcode value. & lt ;! - Define a non-SSL HTTP / 1.1 connector at Port 8080 - & gt; & Lt; Connector port = "$ {port.http.nonssl...

DateTime In C# -

If I want to parse from time to time in C #, but in some cases I have either a date and Time component or no date, but a time component, how would I do this? Generally when you leave components of time, then it automatically assumes that time is 12:00. But I do not want this if the time component is disappearing, then I just want to set the datetime to store only one date and stop time component. The value of a timetable is internal only one UInt64 ( Inverted in C #), which stores the number of ticks in the past, so whether you like it or not, the time component will always be there.

.net - Entity framework Update fails when object is linked to a missing child -

The object has a reference to a non-accusative child record, so I'm having trouble updating an object child . like. Tables car and CarColor have a relationship. Car.CarColorId >> CarColor.CarColorId If I load the car with my color record then it var results = to the database in Car.x ("CarColor") where x.CarId = 5 Select X; I will take the car object back and it's a color object. Now suppose that a carolle was removed some time ago but car records still contain the carcoolor id value. Therefore, when I run the query, the color object is zero because the CarColor record was not present. My problem is that when I attach another color object that exists, I get a store update, the error is included when saving. car. Caller = New Collar Database. Save Changes (); It appears that no one is trying to destroy the color. How can I work around it? You have to drop something in the "bare" category, then what I will do in your situation will b...

webkit - What features does Firebug have that Safari 4's web inspector does not? -

I always hear that firebug is best for web dev I like to use a webkit based browser, And I use Safari 4 or WebKit I have no problem with web inspector. It's background I'm wondering if there are features in firebug that Safari 4 is not? If it is compelling, then I will give it a shot, but today I am working with it, not seeing much difference > One that shows Safari 4's web inspector and in some places there are differences between firebug and web inspector. One big plus (at least for me) is that the firebug can be extended and some good extensions and more.

multithreading - Can a slow network cause a Python app to use *more* CPU? -

Let's say we have such a system: ______ {application example - - Network --- (______) {Application Example --- Network --- | | Request --- & gt; Load balancer {application example --- network --- | Data | {Application Example --- Network --- | Base | {Application example --- Network --- \ ______ / Comes in a request, a load balancer sends it to an application server instance, and speaks to the App server instance database Examples of applications (anywhere on the LAN) can be different processes or separate threads. Just to cover all the bases, suppose there are several similar processes, each with a pool of similar application service threads in the same way. If the database is performing slowly or the network is stuck, then obviously the servicing request is getting worse. Now, in all my pre-python experiences, this application will be done with frequencies related to drop in CPU usage - they spend more time on I / O and CPU-intensive Spend less time doing thin...

Quality of Sybase ASE support in Delphi -

I have Delphi Professional 2007 and 2009 and I think of upgrading the enterprise either because of a new project For which I need the interface in the Sybase ASE database. I did some research and it appears that the 2007 Sybase driver leaked memory and it does not look like this problem has been fixed. Does anyone know that Codegear Enterprise Drivers are reliable for Sybase ASE and are there any alternatives? There was some major reduction in BDE and it seems that many people were brought right in the DBExpress Some of these include: No support for multiple result sets There is no way to get your hands on server messages that are not of errors No control There is no support for async calls (where you use ct_poll) Eri advice you own (it will write even easier) to take or use ADO to showcase the functionality of much more ASE ADO and performance is very good.

agile - Can burnout happen when doing Scrum sprints continuously? -

I am with a very small startup and we have started using the form of a bunch / playful development cycle . In many ways, I enjoy the scrum. We have a relatively short sprinter (2 weeks) and I like the burn dart chart to track the progress of the team. I like the feature board so I always know what I should do next. However, now we are entering our 18th Sprint release cycle and I am starting to feel a little burned It is not like I do not like a job or my colleague, this is only this That these sprints ... well, sprints . From the very beginning, I really feel that I am running against the clock to maintain my growth velocity. When we are done with Sprint, we plan the feature sets and projections of the next sprint one day and then we go again. Is it normal for people who work in mature Agile / Scrum development process? Or are we losing something? Is it normally time to take time to do something which is unassigned to cure minor things and cleanse your head? This is rel...

c# - What is AsyncCallback? -

What is the use of async callback and why should we use it? When async method processing ends, asyncCallback method is automatically called, where post processing statement can be executed. There is no need to wait for election or waiting to complete the async thread with this technique. Callback model: Callback model requires that we call the callback method And specify any such condition in the callback method to complete the call. The callback model can be seen in the following example: static byte [] buffer = new byte [100]; Static zero testCallbackAPM () {string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine (System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, "mfc71.pdb"); FileStream strm = new filestream (File name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare Reid, 1024, FileOptions.Asynchronous); // asynchronous call iAsyncResult result = strm.BeginRead (create buffer, 0, buffer length, new AsyncCallback (FullRead), strm); } In this model, we are creating a new AsyncCall...

c# - Dynamic service reference in Silverlight -

I'm building a Silverlight application that has interface with SharePoint Web services In one Windows applications I have my own local SharePoint server I will create a web context, then by changing the Yuri in the context of that sequence, I would like to use any SharePoint site. Silverlight does not have web references, but similar functionality can be obtained with service references. However, there is no way to change the URI of the reference on the runtime. Is there a way of doing it in Silverlight? Or a Better Way to Use SharePoint Web Services from Silverlight? Note: I need to access the list item attachment, so owssvr.dll will not be enough (I think?) As you are using WCF (for service reference), you can change the address of the service like this: MyServiceSoapClient SOAP Client = new MyServiceSoapClient (); MySoapClient.Endpoint.Address = New End Point (URI)); // Call Here

Delphi 5 & Crystal XI Rel. 2 (RDC) how to? -

I am trying to work with this but I get an "invalid index" error where "user id" is set should go. FRpt.Database.Tables [i] .conconception properties. Item ['User ID']: = edUserName.Text; This is my environment: WinXP Sp3, Crystal Reports Developer XI Rel.2 SP4, Delphi 5 Update Pack 1 Any help Or consider the idea very much! Thx, Reinhard [i] Your value may be criminal ... I certainly can not remember, but I believe that instead of table table [1], the table will be in place of [0], as one would expect I change to change my loop Done: CrTables: = CrDatabase.Tables; CrTables for CRTables for OSB You have been shown a loop through the table or starting with 1 instead of 0. I hope it will be helpful.

c# - RegEx and QueryString -

I have this regex that I use with my website ^. * (/ My question is that I can use the query string with my regex, P> / about-us / contact / ? L = en -> page.aspx? Id = 12 & l = en where id = 1 = / about-us / contact / where l = en = /? L = en Edit: ^. * / ([A-z0-9, -] +) / ([A-z0- 9, -] +) / (\? L = en) I get an error on this: \ iC # What is a way to tell Regex For if x = x is present then regex is a match, but if regex is not present for x = x / about-us / contact / a match? Thanks, expression [\? & Amp; Amp;] (? & Lt; name & Gt; [^ & amp; =] +) = (? & Lt; value & gt; [^ & amp; =] +) Description name by name / value added HTTP query String, name in the group named "Name" and value in the group named "Price" Mail -> Non-Matching -> Author Rating: Kevin Spencer.

php - preg_replace(), and the abbreviations that go with it? -

I have recently been working with PHP for a simple Twitter API and linking the user to Twitter I came to this code for. .com / username Unfortunately, this code makes it so that the @username name, resulting in error. I do not understand many parts of this code, like ^ \ v and others (seen below). Does anyone explain me about them? $ ret = preg_replace ('/ (^ | [^ \ w]) (@ [\ d \ w \ -] +) /', '\\ 1 & lt; a href = "Http://$2"> $ 2 & lt; / a & gt; ', $ ret;); Easy one: $ ret = preg_replace ('/ (^ | [^ \ W]) @ ([\ d \ w \ -] +) /', '\\ 1 & lt; a href = "$2" & gt; ; @ $ 2 & lt; / a & gt; ', $ ret;); The only difference is that @ was removed from the capturing group, which means that it has to be manually added to the output in the link. In addition, \ W contains numbers, so \ d is unnecessary. You can do it easily: $ ret = preg_replace ('/ ^ | ([^ \...

Create instance of COM class dynamically in .NET -

I can load COM DLLs that are registered on my machine like this: Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID ("MYCOMDLL.ClassName"); Object boxed = activator. Create Instance (Type); I can then think of implementing methods etc. How can I get this from a DLL file which is not registered on my machine? Something similar to this Maxodode: type type = type. GateTypeFormFile ("MyFile.dll", "MYCOMDLL.ClassName"); Object boxed = activator. Create Instance (Type); Is this possible? You must either register (or) traditional DLL before, or (b) the registration- Mac about free COM MANIFEST files It can help with (B) -

textbox - how to tell when scroll bar is at bottom of an multiline text box -

I am working on an page and I have a multiline text box that displays some text. I want the user to scroll through all the way before displaying a checkbox to continue with them. My question is how can you tell if the scroll bar is down? Using Javascript: In Internet Explorer: document.body.scrollLeft Document.body.scrollTop In Netscape: window.pageXOffset window.pageYOffset

graphics - Percentage Error for 2 sets of 3D points -

I have a reference set of n points, and another set which 'approximates' all those points I approximate And how to get a full / percent error between my reference set. Put in other words, I have canned animation and simulation. How do I know that in the case of a single number 2 is the 'flow' between 2? That is, how good the simulation is as per the estimation of the verticals compared to the animation. I actually do something for all corners in this way: | Real - references | / | Real | And then partially divide the number of errors. Is it true? Should this measurement actually be a percentage value? I guess you have a reference set, and then many sets which estimate this set and you want to choose one that is "best". I will add the squared distance between the real and the references: avgSquareDrift = sum (1..n, | real-reference | ^ 2) / numvertices The main advantage with this approach is that we do not need to implement the square root, ...

iphone - Core Data XML import/export of single object -

With core data, especially on Cocoa Touch, is it possible to export and import individual items in XML format ( Built-in store format, ideal)? I am asking this because I am using core data to manage my object graph anyway, and I need to send and receive my object in XML in XML and then I It would be convenient for me if there is a special facility function for such import / export. Of course, it's possible you just have to type the code. If you ask, core data does not have any special import or export routine. There is a section in it's core data programming guide that talks about data import strategies.

c - Help me understand this "Programming pearls" bitsort program -

John Bentley uses a bit vector in column 1 of his book programming pearls to sort the sequence of non-zero positive integers To have a technique to introduce. I have taken the program bitsort.c and pasted it below: / * Copyright (c) 1990 by Lucent Technologies * / / * John Bentley * / / * bitsort.c - Sort the bitmap from column 1 * in the range [0..N-1] * / #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Define BITSPERWORD 32 # Define SHIFT 5 # Define MASK 0x1F #define N 10000000 int a [1 + N / BITSPERWORD]; Zero set (int i) {int sh = i & gt; & Gt; SHIFT; A [i & gt; SHIFT] | = (1 & lt; (i & amp; mask)); } Zero CLR (int i) {a [i & gt; & Gt; SHIFT] & amp; = ~ (1 & lt; (i & msk)); } Int Test (Int'l) {A [i & gt; & Gt; SHIFT] & amp; (1 & lt; & lt; (i & amp; mask)); } Int main () {int i; For (i = 0; i I understand what works are CLR, set and test and explain them below: (Please correct me if I am wrong here). set ith...

c - __libc_lock_lock is segfaulting -

I am working on a piece of code that uses regular expression in C. All regex stuff is using standard regex c library. On the line 246's regexec.c, the line is __ libc_lock_lock (dfa-> lock); My program is flagging here and I do not know why I was trying to figure out where __libc_lock_lock was defined and it has been found that this bits The macro in / libc-lock.h is However, the macro is not really anything defined, just defined. Two questions: 1) When code is run when __libc_lock_lock is called (I know it should be 2) If DFA The re_def_ty object that is extracted from the AC string which is a regex_t object type buffer member, then no member will lock it. What should this happen? This literally grows as if __libc_lock_lock if Segfault libc , you can be 99.9% of the following: You are doing something wrong API You have some previous points There is a memory or corrupted memory used by the Libers, and this is a delayed effect. (Thank you Tyler!) ...

Genshi - how to print out all variables in scope -

Very simple I would like to print all the variables which are scope for my template, a debugging and discovery size In form of . Is there any way to do this? I am using Genshi 0.5.1, and as you will see, everything is in __Data___ . $ {repr (local people ())}

How can I correctly display a png with a gradient using OpenGL ES on the iPhone? -

I have tried to use PNGs as a mess in my OpenGL ES based iPhone game. Gradents are not properly prepared. How can I fix this? "Not properly prepared" I mean that the gradients are not smooth and do not like to degrade sections of a particular color, but a smooth transition In the original problem, there are some bits of RGB in your texture (or likely to be less) your frame buffer . The PNG file will not be used directly by the graphics hardware - it should be converted to some internal format. I do not know the OpenGL ES API, but you can probably put the PNG file directly in it, or you can do some conversion steps first and take the converted data in hand to open the GL ES. Either in any case to ensure that the relevant document is used, the internal format used is of sufficient depth. For example, a 256 color-plated image would be sufficient as a 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA format. I strongly suspect that your PNG has been converted to RGB 15 or RGB 16, which has on...

exception - C#: Finding a Missing Dependency -

I'm getting this error message, running a webservice on which I'm working. It is created, but when I call them: file or assembly name (re-edited). None of the frameworks, or its dependencies, got found Stack trace shows that between my code and the exception goal, there are 3 referenced DLLs and 4 layers of the system. Reflection How can I find out that in which case the exception is thrown, or at least it shows which dependence is looking for and where is it looking? I do not have access to codes or symbols, referenced DLLs that are between my code and exception. DependencyWalker helps determine which dlls are missing.

command line - Linux: Possible to extend and Alias? -

A simple example: Suppose i have a nickname where the source is done anywhere : alias ls' ls -o ' I have to add another nickname to this: alias ls' Ls -a ' So when I execute it, I'm actually receiving: ls -o -a Is this possible? Of course, in the above example, the second overwrites the first. Why should I want this? The first surname (more complex than the example) is publicly shared with the company's server and I do not want to duplicate it when the original is modified. I am using the C shell. eval "$ (alias -p | grep '^ alias ls =' | sed" S / '$ / -o' / ")" Note that it assumes that you are using Bash.

Are there any cases in which Rails overwrites controller instance variables on render :partial? -

Is there any case in which any tracks overwrite the controller example variable on a render: partial call a template Is done in? For example, suppose we are: controller def my_action @widget = Widget.find (params [: id]) end my_action.html. See ARB Hi there & lt;% = render: partial = & gt; 'My_helper'% & gt; Enough is enough. See _my _helper.html.erb is id & lt;% = @ & Gt; Is there a document scenario (by bug or design) in which @Vijet will not be zero when used in my_helper? I see this behavior in an application and I am not able to track my source. Some notes: * The app is running in Rail 2.1.1. * Though local people can be assigned to render: partial => my_helper calls, local reasons are not really ideal in this case for many reasons. * I spent a good part of time through the action controller and the action view, but are not able to separate the behavior. No, the frequency variable in the rail will not...

c# - How do I extend a WinForm's Dispose method? -

I am getting this warning from FxCop: "included in the 'restart form' field The 'restart form .done' is of the IDisposable type: 'ManualResetEvent'. Change the displacement method to 'RestartForm' to call this field on or off. " OK, I understand I mean what it means and why it needs to be done ... except System.Windows.Forms.Form does not allow you to override . Close () or . Settlement () , then what to do? Currently I am running with this solution: Private Zero RestartForm_FormClosing (Object Sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {done.Set (); Done.Close (); } Which works as for my application ... but FxCop still shows this message. Am I covered and can I safely ignore it, or should I have another way of doing it? You override dissection method to form Usually Usually this automatically overrides in restartform.domain.cs file, so you will need to move to settle in your code file so you can add it without the designer w...

encoding - display chinese character in eclipse console output -

I am trying to display some Chinese characters in GB2312 encoding in the Eclipse Console. I know that in Run dialog -> General tab -> console encoding, I can choose additional encoding other than the default CP1252. However, how can I add additional encoding, such as GB2312? thanks to: , Inherited from the default encoding, the resource associated with the launch configuration (project). If the encoding is not specified for the project - Configure encoding for workstation or system default encoding is used. It appears that you can not change console encoding anywhere but not in the normal tab of the configuration (see) in the configuration, I'm not sure It can be done at this time. It already has some side effects. As illustrated, you can only change the encoding once.

On iphone 3.0 how to disable Cut, Copy and Paste option -

Do anyone know how can I disable cut, copy and paste options on iPhone 3.0? Thank you for your help and time. I, CanPerformAction: Along with: For this purpose, I It was simply to clean the pasteboard on exit from the application. In my AppDelegate.m: - (zero) application attribute: (UIApplication *) application {NSLog (@ "application ended"); // Clear pasteboard to prevent pasting in other applications: UIPTboard * Pasteboard = [UIPPboard General Pasteboard]; Pasteboard.itm = zero; } This works well for my user-annotated reference reference. I do not care about copying and pasting users in my application, but I would rather not reproduce their original content. At some point I want more robust control, maybe CanPerformAction: Along with: , so that I can allow users to copy / pasting the content I have created.

Moving from Java to Python -

I'm starting a junior which is coming from the Java background. As a company we are now focusing on Python development (though hanging around some heritage systems in Java). I'm looking for tips and resources to help in transit and wonder if you are here to help people a newbie. Cheers read it To answer this question, consider answering this question List of some features is not Java Two Div>

c# - How do I setup this (Moq Setup) -

I want to test part of my code that gives user password questions. So I've made a mockup using the muq subscription provider. I do not think I need to just test part of it to show you the actual code. // Organize various membership opportunities = new fake & lt; Subscription Provider & gt; (); Subscription mock .setup (m = & gt; m.GetUser ("test", incorrect). Password). Returns ("password"); Authenticate. Authenticate. Provider = Membership Mock.Object; // Act var = true authentication Password recovery phase 1 (this.IIAAAIT & lt; string & gt; ()); // must emphasize. That (real, is aquyme ("password")); I get this when I run this Nunit: Test.Controllers.AuthenticationControllerTest.Test_If_Password_Recovery_Setp1_Returns_Users_PasswordQuestion: System.NotSupportedException: only supported property access Intermediate invitation unsupported expression on a setup m.GetUser ("test", incorrect). On Moq.Mock.Auto...

python - Is there any way to create a "project file" in Emacs? -

I say "project file" In the least sense I have some dragon projects which I use emacs W32 for windows By working with Rappmax. What would be good if I had an icon, I can click to open MX on my desktop, open the Rope project, and set the speed bar in the top-level directory of that project. Then I could also have had a way to set up the next project in my own emacs in the same way (but for that project). Of course, it is also acceptable if there was an emacs command or a shell command. Instead of an icon on your desktop, you could use it to get the same effect. Is there any way to do this? I do not have Ellipse-Foo at all: - ( You want a project for the way you want If everything can be found, then use the answer I have posted about using desktop.el and named sessions:

Locking and Synchronization in DJango -

I'm a little new for DJGengo and I'm pretty sure how to handle the locking of important sections. I know that Python has some great thread locking mechanisms that I can use, but I do not know that the Dygengo support it Will do Will a single production server have multiple processes connected with the container running each of my containers, or it will be in only one container so that the lock works in all requests. It depends on how Django is run on the server as an app developer It can not know that your app will be run in a single process or several forced processes. The most standard setup that I have seen using fork instead of threading.

iphone - How to call function in every "X" minute? -

I was trying to create a sample iPhone application to update the current location. I have a function that logs to the current location, "Log content location", but I do not know how to call these functions automatically in each x minute (or seconds). Please advise me which method I need to see in the apple document Thank you for your help. sung See the document for NSTimer. This allows you to schedule a timer that will call the function (defined by the "target" object and a "selector" that you want to call). You can change the interval on which the timer starts to fire, and this should do the trick!

What is the easiest way for two separate C# .Net apps to talk to each other on the same computer -

I want my two applications to be able to send each other string and " do something on the basis of the string ". This is an pre-proof-of-concept-mockup type type, so no safety precautions are necessary and you want to disable as much. So how can I do my part with minimal work? (You can work as my dear friend so hard as you do on the problem) To what extent do actually, in fact need to be separate application? Can you do two different projects that you start with a separate project, on different threads? Fixed zero main () (New thread (Project 1 program. Main). Start (); New thread (Project 2 program. Main). Start ();} At that point you can use static variables (in the fourth project, both previously referred by both projects) to set up a shared communication channel between them, for example, you two (page down Can see half way), can be one for every direction (You want to use only the strings in the queue, or make the normal one, and for example ...

algorithm - Is it possible to convert code into a logical graph? -

Is it possible to convert code to logical graphs? Edit: Am I thinking that mathematics is absolute? We can decide whether it is right or wrong. But for code, there is something other than logic that what I want to do is remove 'something' to remove that argument. It is not certain what exactly you mean, but static analyzes like inclined pseudo parsing code For example, the code has been given to all possible branches that can take codes, and check the errors. 1 if (some tasks ()) { 2. This_will_break (); 3.} and (4. If (second work ()) (5. Print ("% i", str (some)); 6.} 7. Print ("This is OK"); 8.} You will get output with lines: line 1. Taking the true branch line 1. Error: function this_will_break is not defined Line 4. True branch is taking Line 5. Warning: Incompatible type work done You can potentially graph these routes, but I do not know why you want to do this (it really A There is another possible idea, which outlines the...

How to change form text with Jquery but keep it when filled by user? -

(I hope my title is easy, it was difficult to sum.) Some scripts that change some text based on selected text within a lesson, as you can see here: The problem is that if a user enters certain text and then another When the radio button clicks, it will remove its text. What I see in a way changes the gray text, when the user does not fill any text. And if the user removes their text, then it will fill the blank with the text based on the radio button. You can see your code here: check to see if Is there a "signal" in the input only the text is changed? Full example: $ (document) .ready (function () {function setText () {var kf = this.title ('' '' '); If (kf.length & lt; 0) returns; if ($ ('$' + + '_text'). Hcl ('signal')) {$ ('' '(' '' '' '' '' ' _txt '). Val (kf [0]) addClass (' signal ');} $ (' # '+ +' _text ... - When is the best time to call a function to change data being returned from the database -

I have two functions written in VB.NET: 1) First task ( It is called GetValues) ()) returns values ​​in a SQL database as a list through a stored proc. One of the fields is the date-time submitted. This data is displayed on my webpage using all a repeater control. It works fine. 2) The second function (this is called a nosidit) I was created to submit date times for a good date like "a minute ago" or "yesterday". I do not know the problem of my problem, that is the best part of the process of conversion (on data extraction or pageload, etc.) or actually conversion. I page load try to do some things and started to consider conversion for each loop but so far no dice. Am I on the right track or is there any easy way? You can handle the repeater from there, you can use FindControl to get control ( Maybe a label?) And update accordingly according to your nisidit () logic. Similar to code from the above link, you can do something like: / p> Edit...

rm - Unable to remove files recursively from Git -

I get all the files from git ~ / bin / git rm -r - cached ~ / .vim / * #cache Thank you for stomping to find out! I get Fatal: pathspec '.vim / colors' does not match any files This error Messsage suggests to me using the following PATHs, since ~ / .vim / ** does not work ~ / .vim / * # I get an error ~ / Removes files from the index on .vim / * / * / * # it ~ / .vim / folderA / folderB / file1.txt ~ / .vim / * / * # # Similar error in path How can you remove all files and subdirectories from Git on ~ / .vim? - git rm -r - cached ~ / .vim / * Fatal: pathspec '.vim / colors' does not match any files 1 / You do not need ' * ' : . Vim / colors' does not match any file simply it means that you tried one of your commands before the one listed / 1 has worked, and there is no more file to delete. ! # To test that command, restart the status of the repository first # Reset $ git in any other current modifica...

c++ - What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting session file on the server? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: यह अजीब लग सकता है लेकिन एक सी + + वेब अनुप्रयोग (सीजीआई) है हर नया अनुरोध एक नई प्रक्रिया बनाता है इसलिए सत्र बनाए रखने के लिए, एक पाठ फ़ाइल सर्वर पर बनाई जाएगी जिसमें सत्रियस, यूज़रनेम, पासवर्ड, टाइमस्टैम्प आदि जैसी जानकारी शामिल होगी। यह पाठ फ़ाइल पहली अनुरोध के लिए बनाई जाएगी और बाद में सत्रों को जीवित रखने के लिए अनुरोध के लिए भेजा जाएगा । जब उपयोगकर्ता लॉग बंद होता है तो पाठ फ़ाइल हटा दी जाएगी। सुरक्षा को पूरा करने के लिए टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल को एन्क्रिप्ट किया जाना चाहिए। साथ ही पाठ फ़ाइल की सामग्री को एन्क्रिप्ट किया जाना चाहिए। इस परिदृश्य के लिए सबसे अच्छा संभव एन्क्रिप्शन एल्गोरिथ्म क्या हो सकता है? मेरी खोज मुझे एईएस बताती है लेकिन मैं यह भी देखना चाहता हूं कि सत्र प्रबंधन के लिए इस्तेमाल किया गया दृष्टिकोण सही है या नहीं। सत्र एन्क्रिप्ट करने से कुछ भी नहीं होगा, क्योंकि सर्वर की कुंजी पहले से ही है एन्क्रिप्शन केवल सार्थक होता है जब संदेश और कुंजी अलग होते हैं। इसके अलावा, सत्र में एक पासवर्ड न रखें। आपको यूज़रनेम को केवल स्टोर करने की आवश्य...

.net - Why HttpContext.Current.Handler is null? -

I am trying to use a page within an HTTP module and I think that I have HTTPNTTEX. Carent.Handler should refer to this current page) but I am getting empty all the time. I am using the .Net 3.5 framework. I authorize it and verify it on the authenticity Thank you. Probably, the request has not been assigned to a handler yet (for example, you BeginRequest .)

dns - How to get list of URLs for a domain -

I would like to create a list of URLs for a domain, but instead of crawling the domain itself, instead of saving the bandwidth So is there a way to use existing crawled data? I thought that is a solution, which allows me to download the first 1000 results in the TSV format. However, to get all the records, I have to scour the search result. Google also supports Search Site but does not provide an easy way to download data Can you think of a better way that works with the most (if not all) websites? Thank you, Richard You can use 500 URL for free through this online tool. You can download a list: ... Just after the Select Tool, "Text List" crawls your site.

ruby on rails - Why isn't Passenger respecting my custom log format? -

I need to change the log format of my rail app. I put it in Lib directory and it is in the required development.rb env file. requires 'hodel_3000_compliant_logger' config.logger = (config.log_path) and I should get the production of the development.log file as follows : Jun 28 03:05:13 Milky notebook rail [18243]: Memory usage: 86888 | PID: 18243 When I start my app with script / server (mongol), I get this exact log. But when I run the app through Passenger, the logging on is the default of the format rail. Why do not the passenger pass the long file like Murgil does? Because passenger runs your rail app in production mode, and you only configured logger in development mode is. Copy your configuration to the production.rb environment file.

flex - webinar application -

I want to create a webinar application (chat, live video, presentation, white boater and more). Now, I'm trying to choose the platform (Flash / Flex, JavaWax). Does anyone have experience in the development of such applications? Use Flex, because 98% people have Flash Plugin installed, it runs on windows / linux / osx. Flex occurs when you need advanced Flash features and it seems that you do Are - chats, live videos, presentations, white boards and more.